深化改革促管理 加强管理求发展

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我院是一所综合性教学医院,又是河北省肿瘤医院。几年来,我院始终从深化改革入手,不断转换管理机制,努力提高医疗质量,保持肿瘤医院的特色和优势,在医疗教学科研工作、思想政治工作和职业道德建设等方面都取得了较大的进步,经济收益和社会效益明显提高。 一、从改革分配机制入手,开展院科两级核算 我院以工资制度改革为契机,开始实行院科两级核算。将临床、医技科室收入减去科室医杂用品、卫生材料、低值易耗品等支出后,按医院制订的临床、医技应计收入计算公式求得应计收入,再减去科室人员工资津贴、水电煤费、办公费、维修费、设备增值费后剩余金额作为计奖余额,按分段比例计奖公式计算各科奖金。这次推行院科两级核算,打破了过去以科室人员编制基数提取奖金的平均主义倾向。依据科室收入支 Our hospital is a comprehensive teaching hospital and is also a Hebei Provincial Tumor Hospital. Over the past few years, our institute has always started with deepening reforms, constantly changing management mechanisms, striving to improve the quality of medical care, and maintaining the characteristics and advantages of cancer hospitals. It has achieved greater results in medical teaching and research work, ideological and political work, and professional ethics construction. Progress, economic benefits and social benefits have improved significantly. I. Starting with the reform of the distribution mechanism and carrying out the two-level accounting of the colleges and universities The reform of the salary system was used as the turning point of the Institute and the two-level accounting of the colleges and divisions began to be implemented. After the income of clinical and medical technical departments is subtracted from expenses such as medical supplies, health materials, and low-value consumables, the accrued income is calculated according to the calculation formula of clinical, medical accrual income calculated by the hospital, and then the staff of the department are deducted. The remaining amount after wages and allowances, utilities, office fees, maintenance fees, and equipment appreciation fees will be used as the balance of bonuses. The implementation of the two-level accounting of the colleges and divisions this time broke the egalitarian tendencies of drawing bonuses based on the staffing establishment of the department. Based on income from the department
杜撰新词 文章尤其学术文章越写越长,是很多学术期刊编辑部会面临的一个问题——那些裹脚布般的“长文”忽然形如“鸡肋”却屡禁不止。它跟那些被喻为“城市牛皮癣”的街头
【摘要】随着全球化进度的加快,英语作为国际通用的一种语言,受到的关注也在不断增加。为了切实提高学生的英语综合能力,在英语教学中,教师必须重视培养学生的阅读理解能力。通过阅读理解,能够帮助学生更好的掌握和运用基础知识,切实提高学生的英语综合运用能力。本文主要探讨了阅读能力提高的策略,希望能够提高学生英语综合素质。  【关键词】英语教学 阅读理解能力 学生 教学  学生学习英语时,阅读理解是非常重要的
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