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1986年冬,平远县博物馆谢继同志根据当地农民提供的线索,在长田乡龙颈村寨顶上山发现了石器、陶片等遗物,后会同省博物馆邱立诚、陈红冰,五华县博物馆李达科等同志前往调查。寨顶上山位于平远县城东南12公里处,是一座高约50米的山岗,山的西面有长安河自北向南流经。遗物主要分布在山顶平台及南面山坡,发现的遗物有较多的陶片和少量的石器以及大量经打制的石器半成品,与遗物共存还有大量的石片,这些石片都是打制石器过程中产生的。收集的遗物有石耜(?)、石戈、石锛、砺 In the winter of 1986, according to the clues provided by local peasants, Pingji County Museum Xie Ji discovered stones, pottery and other relics in the top of Longjian Village, Longtian Township. Later, together with the provincial museums, Qiu Licheng, Chen Hongbing and Wu Dahua Museum, Comrade went to investigate. Walled top mountain is located 12 kilometers southeast of Pingyuan County, is a high about 50 meters of hills, the west of Chang’an River flows from north to south. Relics are mainly distributed on the top of the mountain and the hillside on the south, the relics found are more pottery and a small amount of stoneware and a large number of semi-finished stonework, co-exist with the relics and a large number of stone tablets, Produced during the process. The relics collected are stone 耜 (?), Stone ge, stone 锛, rough
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