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当前在纪检监察机关和司法机关查处的国家工作人员各类违纪违法犯罪案件中,经济犯罪案件占有相当大的比例。虽然已经查处的这些经济犯罪案件只是发生在少数党员、干部和领导干部之中,也只发生在少数地区或部门,但目前发案呈上升趋势,犯罪人员的层次也在升高。据有关专家预测,从现在起到二十一世纪初,中国社会还处在经 At present, among the various types of crimes involving discipline and law-breaking crimes committed by discipline inspection and supervision organs and judicial organs, economic crime cases occupy a considerable proportion. Although these cases of economic crimes that have been investigated and dealt with have only occurred in a few minority members, cadres and leading cadres and only in a few areas or departments, the current incidence of crimes is on the rise and the level of criminals is also on the rise. According to the experts forecast, from now until the beginning of the 21st century, Chinese society is still undergoing
龍江縣府工作组关於‘三區合心村腰公司屯互助组訂立愛國公約是怎樣開展起來的’经验較好,特摘要發表供你們參考。 Longjiang County Government Working Group on the ’th
Heterosis,or hybrid vigor,is the phenomenon whereby progeny of two inbred lines exhibit superior agronomic performance compared with either parent.We analyzed t
(一) 為了組織和扶植烈軍屬、革命殘廢軍人和復員建設軍人參加互助合作生產,今春在湘潭專區的平江、茶陵、瀏陽、醴陵、湘潭、長沙、望城、寧鄉、湘陰、攸縣、岳陽、臨湘,郴
各位委員、各位先生、各位同志: 中南軍政委員會自二月間成立以來,已經半年。這半年來的工作,除由中南軍區及本委員會各部委分別報告外,我在此特將軍政委員會所親自抓紧的幾
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Three new monophenanthrene compounds were isolated from an acetone extract of the tubers of Monomeria barbata Lindl. (Orchidaceae).Using spectroscopic methods,t
一、發展工業是確定不移的方向毛主席會經教育我們說:“只有中國的工業發展了,中國在經濟上不倚靠外國了,才有全部的真正的獨立。”(論人民 First, the development of ind