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党的十八届三中全会提出:“推进丝绸之路经济带、海上丝绸之路建设,形成全方位开放新格局。”处于内陆地区的吉林省一直有着大开放的梦想,依托于长吉图开发开放这一国家级战略,吉林不断拓宽开放平台,一个又一个发展载体和平台获得了长足发展和整体跃升。珲春国际示范区获国家批 The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee proposed: “The Silk Road Economic Belt and the Maritime Silk Road will be built and a new pattern of opening up will be formed.” Jilin Province, which is in the inland regions, has always had a dream of opening up and has relied on The national strategy of Changjitu Development and Opening up, Jilin continued to broaden the platform for opening up, and one after another the carrier and platform for development have made great strides and an overall leap forward. Hunchun International Demonstration Zone approved by the state
Entrusted by China Nuclear Engineer Ltd.,we’ve analyzed and evaluated the stress of Type 841BB03receiving tankⅡthat is one of the high level radioactive waste
In 100 MeV LLRF system phase control loop circuit,the phase error output of the phase detector is a linear DC.The phase error of the phase shift will require th
EPICS(Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System)consist of a set of software components and tools that can be used by application software designers to
2000多年前,东从长安(今西安)西达古罗马的“古丝绸之路”曾是连接中国(唐)与亚欧各国的贸易通道,为中西方各国的文化交流发挥了巨大作用。宁夏曾是“古丝绸之路”的重要“驿站”。  在世界政治经济格局发生深刻变化的新时期,重新提出推进“新丝绸之路经济带”建设具有重大战略意义,即能为我国营造良好的周边政治、国防环境,又能促进区域之间包括基础设施在内的互联互通,有利于推进跨区域合作有利于构筑以大开放促进
Radioactive aerosol monitors are widely used in monitoring the radioactivity concentration of the artificial nuclides in gaseous effluents from the nuclear faci