
来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeffery2010
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EPICS(Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System)consist of a set of software components and tools that can be used by application software designers to create a control system.It uses a distributed architecture,supports a variety of hardware devices,and has been successfully applied to many large-scale experimental physical devices,such as accelerators,radio telescopes.It is necessary to add an SSC-LINAC in order to upgrade the Lanzhou Heavy Ion Research Facility platform.Considering the advantage of EP- EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System) consist of a set of software components and tools that can be used by application software designers to create a control system. It uses a distributed architecture, supports a variety of hardware devices, and has been successfully applied applied to many large-scale experimental physical devices, such as accelerators, radio telescopes. It is necessary to add an SSC-LINAC in order to upgrade the Lanzhou Heavy Ion Research Facility platform. Carsidering the advantage of EP-
In fusion reactor,lithium ceramics are considered as the candidate solid tritium breeders in the blanket.Recently,Li4SiO4 and Li2TiO3 have been recognized as pr
Entrusted by China Nuclear Engineer Ltd.,we’ve analyzed and evaluated the stress of Type 841BB03receiving tankⅡthat is one of the high level radioactive waste
In 100 MeV LLRF system phase control loop circuit,the phase error output of the phase detector is a linear DC.The phase error of the phase shift will require th