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例一.黄某,男,35岁,工人。1986年3月15日就诊。病巳半月,初始于感冒,发热无汗,咳嗽身痛,某医投以荆防败毒散二剂。药后全身汗出,发热渐退,身痛亦减。但一周来。。头痛神倦,动辄汗出,恶寒畏风,口味淡,不欲饮,继服上药数剂无效,逐来院就诊。证见:面红清淡,头面汗出,肌肤湿润,低热畏风。此时乃春阳气暧之时,仍裹以围巾,诉头痛,肢倦,浑身酸楚,舌质淡红,薄白润苔,脉象浮而细缓。忆及《伤寒论》13条:“大阳病,头痛发热,汗出恶风,桂枝汤主之”正与本证相合。柯韵伯云:“此条是桂枝本证,辨证为主,合此病即用此汤,不必问其为防寒,中风,杂病也”。于是投以桂枝汤原方:桂枝10克,白芍10克,炙甘草6克,生姜9克,大枣5枚,擘。药煎好后,乘热服下,然后啜热粥一碗,并卧床盖被。连服二剂。越二日、病者欣然来院,言药后全身微微汗出,诸证悉除。 Example 1. Hwang, male, 35 years old, worker. Visited on March 15, 1986. Sickness and illness for half a month, initially in a cold, fever, no sweat, cough, body pain, a doctor voted Jingfenfangdusan two. After the drug, the body sweats, fever fades, and body pain decreases. But in the week. . Headache is tired, sweating, sweating, aversion to chills, light taste, and no desire to drink. After taking several doses of medicine, it is ineffective. Cards: light red, sweaty head, moist skin, low heat and wind-fighting. At this time, when Chunyang was dispirited, it was still wrapped in a scarf, complained of headaches, tired limbs, and was full of sorrow and sorrow. The tongue was light red, and the thin, white and moist moss flowed slowly and gently. Recalling the “Treatise on Febrile Diseases,” 13 articles: “Dayang disease, headache, fever, sweat, evil spirits, Guizhi Tang Lord” is coincident with this card. Ke Yunbo Yun: “This article is Guizhi this card, syndrome differentiation, combined with the disease that use this soup, do not have to ask it for the cold, stroke, miscellaneous diseases also.” So the Guizhi Tangyuan side was administered: 10 grams of cassia twig, 10 grams of white peony root, 6 grams of licorice root, 9 grams of ginger, and 5 jujubes. After the medicine has been cooked, take it under hot clothes and then heat the bowl of porridge and cover the bed. Even served two doses. The two more days, the patient was pleased to come to the hospital, the body sweated slightly after the speech, all evidence except.
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对蕲蛇等九种药用蛇背鳞进行了显微研究,提供了蛇类中药的真伪鉴别依据,并为蛇类动物形态分类上提供参考。 The microscopic studies on the nine medicinal snakeback scal