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整理者言:上海的孙中山故居内保存有大量藏书,大概有1932种5230册,其中西文(英、法、德、俄文)书目种类最多,计有1528种2029册,分为年鉴、建筑、金融、百科全书、历史、地理、法律、医学、社会等约20个类别。根据上海市档案馆的有关馆藏档案显示,1956年2月孙中山故居曾清点出1870本外文书藏书,970本中文藏书,这一数目明显少于现存的藏书数量。我长期从事孙中山研究,注意到故居外文藏书的编号顺序很特别,从一楼走廊北侧的书橱开始,到二楼书房里的书橱,又转到一楼走廊西侧的书橱。是不是这些书橱的位置曾经变动过?在二楼走廊的玻璃书橱里放有《孙中山——坚定不移,百折不挠的革命家》等书籍,而这些书籍是孙中山去世后才出版的……就这些疑问,我采访了周和康先生。 Finishing words: The former residence of Sun Yat-sen in Shanghai holds a large number of books, there are about 1932 kinds of 5230 volumes, of which the largest number of Spanish (English, French, German and Russian) bibliography, there are 1528 kinds of 2029, divided into annuals, , Finance, encyclopedia, history, geography, law, medicine, society, about 20 categories. According to the archives of the Shanghai Municipal Archives, the archives of the Shanghai Archives show that in 1956 February, the Former Residence of Sun Yat-sen had cleared 1870 extra-treasury collections and 970 Chinese collections, which was significantly less than the existing collection. I have long been engaged in the study of Sun Yat-sen. I noticed that the serial numbers of foreign language books in the former residences are very special. Beginning with the bookcases on the north side of the corridor on the first floor, go to the bookcases in the study on the second floor and turn to the bookcases on the west side of the corridor. Is the position of these bookcases ever changed? In the glass bookcase on the second floor corridor there are books such as “Sun Yat-sen - Unswerving, Indomitable Revolutionary”, which were published after Sun Yat- I interviewed Mr. Zhou Hekang.
刺槐秋季造林时间提前到10月上、中旬或此时起苗、假植10—20天后造林,成活率和幼树树高生长量与晚秋(11月上、中旬)相比,无不利影响,并可多种一季冬麦,经济效益显著。 Robi
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