Filling ability of semi-solid A356 aluminum alloy slurry in rheo-diecasting

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:civili1844
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The effects of slurry temperature,injection pressure,and piston velocity on the rheo-filling ability of semisolid A356 al- loys were studied by the reho-diecasting methods.The results show that the slurry temperature of the semi-solid A356 aluminum al- loy has an important effect on the filling ability;the higher the slurry temperature,the better is the filling ability,and the appropriate slurry temperature for rheo-filling is in the range of 585-595℃.The injection pressure also has a great effect on the filling ability, and it is appropriate to the rheo-filling when the injection pressure is in the range of 15-25 MPa.The piston velocity also has a great effect on the filling ability,and it is appropriate to the rheo-filling when the piston velocity is in the range of 0.072-0.12 m/s.The filling ability of the slurry prepared by low superheat pouring with weak electromagnetic stirring is very good and the microstructural distribution in the rheo-formed die castings is homogeneous,which is advantageous to the high quality die casting. The effects of slurry temperature, injection pressure, and piston velocity on the rheo-filling ability of semisolid A356 al-loys were studied by the reho-diecasting methods. The results show that the slurry temperature of the semi-solid A356 aluminum al- loy has an important effect on the filling ability; the higher the slurry temperature, the better is the filling ability, and the appropriate slurry temperature for rheo-filling is in the range of 585-595 ° C. The injection pressure also has a great effect on the filling ability, and it is appropriate to the rheo-filling when the injection pressure is in the range of 15-25 MPa. The piston velocity also has a great effect on the filling ability, and it is appropriate to the rheo-filling when the piston velocity is in the range of 0.072-0.12 m / s. The filling ability of the slurry prepared by low superheat pouring with weak electromagnetic stirring is very good and the microstructural distribution in the rheo-formed die castings is homogeneous, whic h is advantageous to the high quality die casting.
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