
来源 :河北林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunweidong123
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1、接穗的采集与贮藏。选择生长健壮,无病虫害的四倍体刺槐母树,采集一年生枝条做接穗。采集接穗必须在母树体眠期进行,最晚在母树发芽前一个月采集,亦可结合母树修枝进行,每50条接穗捆成一捆,低温窖贮。方法是:先在窖内地面铺一层10cm厚的湿沙,湿沙含水量标准为:手握成团,一触即散。将成捆的接穗戳齐,立放在沙面上,保证每条接穗都能与湿沙接触。捆与捆之间用湿沙填充,填沙高度不能超过接穗长度的二分之一。贮存期间,窖温控制在10℃以下,春季气温回升后,窖门要晚上敞开,白天盖上,保证接穗不抽干、不霉烂、不发芽。 1, scion collection and storage. Select growth robust, pest-free tetraploid locust tree, collecting annual branches to make scion. Collect scion must be in the dormant period of the mother tree, the latest one month before the mother tree buds can be collected, can also be combined with the mother tree pruning, bundled into a bundle of 50 scions, cryogenic pit storage. Method is: First in the cellar floor paved with a layer of 10cm thick wet sand, wet sand water content standards: hand into a group, a touch of scattered. Punch the bundles of scion together, stand on the sand surface, to ensure that each scion and wet sand contact. Filled with wet sand between the bundle and the bundle, fill the sand height can not exceed one-half of the length of the scion. During storage, the pit temperature is controlled below 10 ℃. After the temperature rises in spring, the cellar door should be open at night and covered during the day to ensure that the scion does not drained, no mildew and no germination.
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含有甲基丙烯酸环氧丙酯的聚合物是热活性高分子,它们可以被用来合成体型共聚物或接枝共聚物。 当甲基丙烯酸环氧丙酯、甲基丙烯酸甲酯、和甲基丙烯酸三种单体一起进行共聚合
2008年街道技工贸总收入突破500亿元,其中工业销售390亿,服务业收入160亿,财政总收入突破10亿。这是一组多么令人兴奋的数字,尤其是世界金融 In 2008, the total income fro