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2014年9月7日,西麦克展览公司结束了2014年东风公司莫斯科国际汽车展的项目执行工作。8月27日上午,在该车展上,西麦克助力东风汽车公司在莫斯科CROCUS展馆举行了L60和AX7新车发布仪式。前俄罗斯联邦副总理谢若夫·瓦勒力先生、中国驻俄罗斯大使馆公使衔经济商务参赞张地先生、中国驻俄罗斯联邦工商总会会长蔡桂茹女士、中国国际贸易促进 On September 7, 2014, CMEC ended the project implementation of the 2014 Dongfeng Motor Moscow International Motor Show. On the morning of August 27, at the auto show, West Mac helped Dongfeng Motor Co. launch a new L60 and AX7 launch ceremony at CROCUS in Moscow. Former Vice-premier of the Russian Federation, Mr. Chezov Valleli, Mr. Zhang Di, Minister of Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Russia, Ms. Cai Guiru, President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the Russian Federation, China International Trade Promotion
The photorespiratory enzyme L-serine: glyoxylate aminotransferase (SGAT; EC was purified from Arabidopsis thaliana leaves. The final enzyme was approx
Peptide:N-glycanase has been thought to be responsible for proteasome-dependent degradation of misfolded glycoproteins translocated from the endoplasmic reticul
Studies on the DNA-binding properties of transcription factors are important in searching for the downstream genes regulated by these factors. In the present st
黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)是普遍栽培的世界性蔬菜,也是重要的设施蔬菜,在市场供应中占有重要的地位。黄瓜主要采用育苗栽培,但在育苗过程中,如果遇到高温高湿、光照不足、水