I型Von Willebrand病所致玻璃体下、视网膜、视网膜下出血

来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:QINJF2000000
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Background: Young patients with vitreous, retinal and subvitreal haemorrhages without neovascularisation or prior trauma are a diagnostic challenge for the ph ysician. In this case report, a patient is presented who developed unilateral, s pontaneous, subvitreal, retinal and subretinal haemorrhages and was diagnosed wi th von Willebrand’s disease. Case report: A 33-year-old Caucasian woman prese nted at our clinic with unilateral subvitreal, retinal and subretinal haemorrhag es. The haemorrhages occurred spontaneously without prior trauma, and the patien t had no history of prior bleeding complications. Analysis of the coagulation-f ibrinolysis system and von Willebrand multimer analysis led to the diagnosis von Willebrand’s disease type I. Conclusions: Spontaneous subvitreal, retinal and subretinal haemorrhages may be associated with coagulation disorders. Especially in young patients, von Willebrand’s disease should be considered as a possible cause. Background: Young patients with vitreous, retinal and subvitreal haemorrhages without neovascularisation or prior trauma are a diagnostic challenge for the phsician. In this case report, a patient is presented who developed unilateral, s pontaneous, subvitreal, retinal and subretinal haemorrhages and was diagnosed wi th von Willebrand’s disease. Case report: A 33-year-old Caucasian woman prese nted at our clinic with unilateral subvitreal, retinal and subretinal haemorrhag es. The haemorrhages occurred spontaneously without prior trauma, and the patien t had no history of prior bleeding complications. Analysis of the coagulation-f ibrinolysis system and von Willebrand multimer analysis led to the diagnosis von Willebrand’s disease type I. Conclusions: Spontaneous subvitreal, retinal and subretinal haemorrhages may be associated with coagulation disorders. Especially in young patients, von Willebrand’s disease should be considered as a possible cause
By considering the traffic assignment problem as a control problem, this paper develops a new realtime route guidance strategy for accurate convergence of the t
2007年9月19日,辽宁省民政厅、财政厅下发了《关于做好国办县级殡仪馆基础设备设施维修改造工作的通知》(辽民函[2007]71号,以下…… On September 19, 2007, Liaoning Prov
突如其来的一场雨水和一部电影让这个燥热的江城夏日变得清凉。   这部电影叫做《碧海蓝天》。在武大樱顶的戈雅咖啡厅里,我又一次重温了这部电影。   咖啡厅外面的雨水声鸟叫声与电影里的海浪声海豚音交相辉映。全世界仿佛都在水里游走,电影带我离开一切喧哗,瞬间心静如水。   “电影,不过是一片阿司匹林”。我越来越坚信吕克·贝松这句话。   那些宛然若素的纯美瞬间,倏然怒放的狂热情感,总在不经意间治疗着荧幕