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10月23日,德阳市科协关工委、市科技馆到绵竹南轩中学举办“移动科技馆进校园”活动。这次活动,市科技馆为师生带来了25套涵盖声、光、电、力等知识的科普展品,15套科普展板,向1000余名师生展示了“人体导电”“小鸟进笼”“翻转的头像”“无弦琴”“无形的力”“锥体上滚”“手眼协调”等20余种科教展品,充分展示了数学、光学、电磁学等方面的科学原理。同学们兴致勃勃、争先恐后地观看了解展品的原理,并亲自动手实践操作。通过对展品的参观了解和实践操作活动,同学们亲身体会到了“科技 October 23, Deyang City Association for Science and Technology Committee, Science and Technology Museum to Mianzhu Nanxuan Middle School ”Mobile Science Museum into the campus“ activities. This event, the city science and Technology Museum for teachers and students brought 25 sets of covered sound, light, electricity, power and other knowledge of the popular science exhibits, 15 sets of science panels, to more than 1,000 teachers and students show ”human body conductive “ Birds into the cage ”“ Flip picture ”“ Mathematics, optics, electromagnetism and other aspects of the scientific principles. Students enthusiastic, scrambling to watch the understanding of the principles of exhibits, and hands-on practice. Through the visit to the exhibits to understand and practice operating activities, students have come to understand the ”science and technology
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介绍歪鼻矫正术式。用该术式在28例临床实践中,取得较为满意的效果。 Introduction crooked nose correction surgery. With this procedure in 28 cases of clinical pract
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局部晚期贲门癌预后较差。近几年后程加速超分割治疗恶性肿瘤取得了令人鼓舞的疗效 ,为治疗局部晚期贲门癌开辟了一条新途径。笔者对 47例失去手术指征的局部晚期贲门癌患者