Fundamental Study on New Method of Reducing Iron Ore-Coal Pellet in Cocurrent Shaft Furnace

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:acmi99
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Based on the laboratory experiment of reducing iron ore-coal pellet in oxidizing atmosphere,a new self-heating reduction method of iron ore-coal pellet in the cocurrent shaft furnace(CSF) has been developed.In this process,the pellets and preheated oxygen-enriched air enter the shaft furnace through its top and descend cocurrently in the furnace.Most of the heat required for rising temperature and endothermic reduction of descending pellets is provided by the way that the descending air burns the volatile from pellets and CO from the reduction of iron oxide in pellets.The reduced pellets and high temperature gas are discharged from the lower part.The sensible heat and chemical energy of the off-gas are used to heat the oxygen-enriched air in stove.This process is applicable to the direct reduction of iron pellets and prereduction of iron pellets in smelting reduction with iron bath. Based on the laboratory experiment of reducing iron ore-coal pellet in oxidizing atmosphere, a new self-heating reduction method of iron ore-coal pellet in the cocurrent shaft furnace (CSF) has been developed. In this process, the pellets and preheated oxygen -enriched air enter the shaft furnace through its top and descend cocurrently in the furnace. Host of the heat required for rising temperature and endothermic reduction of descending pellets is provided by the way that the descending air burns the volatile from pellets and CO from the reduction of iron oxide in pellets.The reduced pellets and high temperature gas are discharged from the lower part. The sensible heat and chemical energy of the off-gas are used to heat the oxygen-enriched air in stove. This process is applicable to the direct reduction of iron pellets and prereduction of iron pellets in smelting reduction with iron bath.
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