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日前,国务院总理温家宝签署第497号国务院令,公布了《国务院关于修改〈中华人民共和国合伙企业登记管理办法〉的决定》,并同时公布修订后的《中华人民共和国合伙企业登记管理办法》,新办法自2007年6月1日起施行。此举标志着于2006年8月27日修订的《合伙企业法》的基本配套法规已经就位,被投资界寄望多时“的有限合伙制”就此出炉。修订后《合伙企业法》的施行,标志着我国房地产业引入有限合伙制的法律政策环境已经具备,有限合伙制将成为国内房企项目开发的重要企业组织形式。相比其他理财制度,有限合伙具有不少优点。将有限合伙运用到房地产领域,除了可以进行房地产融资外,在合作建房中也大有可为。可以预见,今后以有限合伙形态存在的私募型的房地产基金将非常普遍。有限合伙制的出台,解决了有限责任制和信托产品难以解决的问题。国际经验表明,有限合伙制(RELP)非常适合房地产的运作特点。依照REIP的操作模式,通过有限合伙制进行项目开发可以一解那些“有地缺钱”的房地产公司的燃眉之急。新《合伙企业法》或将解决北京4000公顷闲置住宅土地,让这些土地形成实物。对于持有这些土地的中小房地产企业,此法的实施无疑是一次有可能起死回生的机会。但也有不少业内人提出了忧虑。这就是:新《合伙企业法》将为外资进入中国提供机会,此法实施是否为外资进入房地产业提供了机会? Recently, Premier Wen Jiabao signed Order No. 497 of the State Council, promulgating the “Decision of the State Council on Amending the Measures for the Administration of the Registration of Partnership Enterprises of the People’s Republic of China” and also announced the revised “Measures for the Administration of the Registration of Partnership Enterprises of the People’s Republic of China” Measures since June 1, 2007 shall come into force. The move marks the basic supporting regulations of the “Partnership Enterprise Law” revised on August 27, 2006 and has been put in place by the investment community for a long time “limited partnership”. The implementation of the revised “Partnership Enterprise Law” indicates that the legal and policy environment for the introduction of the limited partnership system in our country’s real estate industry is already in place. The limited partnership system will become an important form of enterprise organization for the development of domestic housing enterprises. Compared to other financial management system, limited partnership has many advantages. The limited partnership to the real estate field, in addition to real estate financing, in co-construction is also promising. It is foreseeable that private equity real estate funds that exist in the form of limited partnership in the future will be very common. The introduction of limited partnership system, to solve the limited liability system and trust products difficult to solve the problem. International experience shows that the limited partnership (RELP) is very suitable for the operation of real estate. In accordance with REIP mode of operation, project development through limited partnership can solve the immediate needs of real estate companies that are “short on money.” The new Partnership Enterprise Law will solve 4,000 hectares of idle residential land in Beijing and render these lands in kind. The implementation of this law is undoubtedly a chance for a small and medium-sized real estate enterprise holding these lands to have the chance to revive. But many people in the industry have raised concerns. This is: The new Partnership Enterprise Law will provide foreign investors with opportunities to enter China. Does this law provide an opportunity for foreign capital to enter the real estate industry?
今年1月19日,是邹新华61岁生日。傍晚,丈夫邵树田做了一桌菜,为妻子点燃生日蜡烛,斟满红酒,说:“我现在才知道,玩,也是一种活法。因为玩,你还是那么年轻。”邹新华举起酒杯,说:“要是没有你,我什么都玩不转。谢谢你,干杯!”  “对不起,我太贪玩了”  1977年,知青邹新华接母亲的班返城,成为哈尔滨亚麻厂的一名职工。1979年,同事给邹新华介绍了一个男朋友。对方叫邵树田,比邹新华大4岁,是一家国
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