
来源 :上海革命史资料与研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunwenjun19841120
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这是本馆长期珍藏的一篇邓小平在部队作报告的原始文稿。文告用蜡纸刻写,用黑色油墨油印,然后再装订成小册子。这篇文稿没有被《邓小平文选》收入,迄今为止没有发现在任何报刊杂志上发表。文告成文时间为1947年6月21日。当时担任解放军晋冀鲁豫野战军政委的邓小平和司令员刘伯承一起,积极贯彻执行党中央和毛主席作出的重要战略部署,决定于同年6月底,调动主力强渡黄河,向大别山进军,挺进中原,开辟和创建新的解放区,粉碎国民党蒋介石向解放区发动的重点进攻。为了号召部队全体指战员听从党中央和毛主席的号令,积极主动地投入到战略进攻的各项准备工作中去,并进一步提高部队全体指战员的政治觉悟和战斗力,邓小平在部队做了大量具体而又细致的思想工作。这篇文稿,就是刘邓大军在挺进大别山的前夕,邓小平向部队干部作的战前思想动员报告。值此邓小平诞辰100周年之际,特全文刊登这篇文章,以此纪念和缅怀这位中国当代的伟人。 This is the long-awaited collection of the original version of Deng Xiaoping’s report on the unit. The inscription was written in wax paper, printed in black ink, and then booked in a booklet. This manuscript has not been “Deng Xiaoping anthology” income, so far found no newspapers and magazines published. The text was written on June 21, 1947. At the time, Deng Xiaoping, commander of the People’s Liberation Army, the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan Field Army, and Comrade Liu Bocheng, the commander of the Shanxi-Shandong-Shandong-Henan Field Army, actively implemented the important strategic plan made by the party Central Committee and Chairman Mao and decided that by the end of June of the same year, they should mobilize the main force to cross the Yellow River, march toward the Dabie Mountains and advance to Central Plains. And to create a new liberated area that smashed the KMT’s key offensive to the liberated areas. In order to call on all the commanders and soldiers of the armed forces to follow the order of the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao and actively commit themselves to the preparatory work for the strategic offensive and further raise the political awareness and combat effectiveness of all commanders and soldiers in the armed forces, Deng Xiaoping made a large number of specific Meticulous ideological work. This manuscript is the report of the prewar ideological mobilization made by Deng Xiaoping to the army cadres on the eve of the advancing of the Dabie Mountains by the army of Liu and Deng. On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s birth, this full article is published in honor of and commemorates this great man of contemporary China.
黄果树大瀑布,这个世界闻名的旅游风景区,位于贵州省境内苗岭峦峰西段,地当滇黔公路的要冲。源于白水河的黄果树大瀑布气势磅礴,汹涌澎湃,水花飞 Huangguoshu Falls, the w
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