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为促进科技成果向现实生产力转化,加速科技进步,推进经济增长方式转变,加快建设经济强省步伐,现就进一步加快全省科技成果转化工作作如下通知:一、“九五”时期科技成果转化的目标任务科技成果转化,是落实科学技术是第一生产力思想的关键环节,是实施科教兴冀战略,推动经济增长方式转变的有效途径。省委、省政府确定要把科技成果转化作为“九五”时期全省科技工作必须打好的“五个硬仗”中的第一个硬仗,明确要求全省农业、工业、社会事业各个方面都要抓住现代科技中已经成熟的一批成果,采取行政和市场的手段,大规模、大幅度、大范围地进行转化推广。到2000年,全省科技成果推广应用率要达到75%以上,科技进步对经济增长的贡献率要达到40%以上。在农业领域,要围绕发展“两高一优”农 In order to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces, accelerate the progress of science and technology, promote the transformation of the mode of economic growth, and speed up the pace of building a strong economic province, we hereby make the following notice on further accelerating the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in the province: First, The transformation of the scientific and technological achievements into science and technology is the key link in implementing the scientific and technological achievements as the primary productive force. It is also an effective way to implement the strategy of rejuvenating science and education and promoting the transformation of the mode of economic growth. Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government have decided that the transformation of scientific and technological achievements should be taken as the first tough battle in the “Five Hard Fightings” that the scientific and technological work in the province must complete during the “Ninth Five-Year Plan”, and explicitly require that the province's agriculture, industry and society In all aspects of its undertaking, we must seize the mature achievements in modern science and technology and adopt the means of administration and market to carry out transformation and promotion on a large scale and in a large scale and on a large scale. By the year 2000, the province's scientific and technological achievements should be popularized and applied at a rate of over 75%, and the contribution of scientific and technological progress to economic growth should reach 40% or more. In agriculture, we should focus on the development of “two high and one excellent” farmers
对于当前儒学复兴的态势,一种常见的论调把它看作中国人在小富之后对于文化自信和认同的需求。这种解释有其合理性,然而也过于强调国族特征和心理情感属性,易于遮蔽其间的普世意向与真实的价值和意义追求。在这方面,狄百瑞先生(W.Theodore de Bary)已逾一甲子的教研论述可能是一个有益的提醒。  关于狄氏其人其文,中文学界已有初步认知,而坊间流传的一些评议颇有似是而非、甚或以讹传讹之处。比如有一篇
企业文化是现代管理理论的新发 展。建设优秀的企业文化,是当 前企业界和理论界探讨的一个热门话题。然而不同的国家,由于具体国情不同,文化形成和发展的过程不同,因而不可能有一
“囧”这个字是2008年以来,在中文地区的网络社群间最为流行的一个表情符号,成为网络聊天、论坛、博客中使用最频繁的字之一,它被赋予“郁闷、悲伤、无奈”之意。“囧”被形容为“21世纪最风行的一个汉字”。如今,“囧”与“二”又扯上了关系,让“二”字也火了一把。  “今天是2月22日星期二,农历正月二十,这是多么‘二’的日子啊!”“今天是2月22日星期二,在22时22分22秒,找你最‘二’的朋友和你一起