
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jsdkhfahdjfk
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当前刑事犯罪的几个特点当前社会治安状况既基本稳定,又相当严峻。1990年以来,浙江省重大刑事案件每年以31%至37%的幅度递增,1993年比1992年上升35%,并且基本上是呈逐月上升的态势。1月重大刑事案件发1323起,11月发2753起,上升1.08倍,12月大案少发51起,但在12个月中仍居第二位,全部刑事案件发7115起,是全年发案最高月份。尽管7、8月份由于“三打一禁”斗争的成效,发案有较大幅度下降,但到9月又回升,这反映了一次集中打击后,相对平稳的时间明显缩短,这也是同刑事犯罪斗争形势严峻的一个表现。从案件类别看,以侵财案件最为突出。尤其是重大抢劫案件,1990年发1265起,1991年发1823起,1992年发3147起,1993年发4887起,比上一年上升55.6%,比1990年上升3倍多,而且多发生杀人抢劫、爆炸抢劫、麻醉抢劫、色情抢劫、抢劫强奸,其恶性危害程度增大,同时社会丑恶现象屡禁不止。这些数字表明刑事犯罪活动升级,案件呈上升严重化态 Several Features of Current Criminal Offenses The current social security situation is basically stable and quite severe. Since 1990, the major criminal cases in Zhejiang Province have been increasing at an annual rate of 31% to 37%, up 35% from 1993 in 1993 and basically showing a month-by-month rise. January 1323 major criminal cases made in November, hair 2753, an increase of 1.08 times, 51 cases of fatalities in December, but in 12 months still in second place, all the criminal cases made 7115, is the year The highest month of the crime. Although there was a significant drop in the number of strikes in July and August as a result of the “three beaten and banned” fight, it rose again in September, reflecting a markedly shortened period of relatively steady after a concentrated crackdown. A serious manifestation of the grim situation with the criminal criminality. Judging from the types of cases, the most outstanding are cases of aggression against money. In particular, major robberies occurred in 1265 cases in 1990, 1823 cases in 1991, 3147 cases in 1992 and 4887 cases in 1993, an increase of 55.6% over the previous year and more than three times as much as that in 1990, with more homicides Robbery, explosion and robbery, robbery and robbery, robbery and robbery, rape and robbery have increased their viciousness. At the same time, social evils have been repeatedly banned. These figures show that criminal activities have escalated and the number of cases has risen dramatically
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