辽宁省本溪市第二高级中学 使每一个学生成德达材

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辽宁省本溪市第二高级中学创建于1994年,历经20年的斗转星移,风雨兼程,如今已发展成一所育人为本、高速发展、师资一流、名满山城的省级示范性高中。学校现有79个教学班,3900余名学生,342名教职工,其中全国名牌大学毕业的教师有100余名,各级各类骨干教师、先进个人80余位。“学校者,士之所受教,以至于成德达材者也。”学校遵循“优化基础、培养能力、规范+特色”的办学理念,秉承“多思求是、好学力行、挺身担当、抱团发展”的红杉精神,走特色发展之路,施素质教育之法,立成德达材之志。依托人才立校、科研强校、文化兴校的教育战略,培养了一支师表为先、事业为上、 The second high school in Benxi City, Liaoning Province, was founded in 1994. After 20 years of struggle, the course of trials and hardships has now developed into a provincial-level demonstration high school with a high education and rapid development. The school currently has 79 teaching classes, more than 3,900 students and 342 faculty and staff, among whom there are more than 100 teachers graduating from prestigious universities in the nation, more than 80 advanced teachers and advanced individuals at all levels. “The school, who are subject to teach, so that people who Chengde material also. ” The school to follow “optimize the foundation, develop ability, standardization characteristics ” the school philosophy, adhering to Learning to act, stand up and hold the development of Baotou "spirit of Sequoia, and take the characteristics of the development of the road, the quality of education law, legislature Takada material. Relying on the establishment of schools by personnel, scientific research schools, cultural education school education strategy, training a teacher table for the first, career as the first,
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