总结成绩 再接再厉 以新理念引领国防科技工业新发展

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在“十二五”即将圆满收官之际,党的十八届五中全会胜利召开,为我国又一个五年发展描绘了宏伟蓝图,指引各行各业向着全面建成小康社会的目标奋进。“十二五”时期,面对错综复杂的国际环境和艰巨繁重的国内改革发展稳定任务,党中央团结带领全国各族人民顽强拼搏、开拓创新,奋力开创了中国特色社会主义事业发展的新局面,国家的经济实力、科技实力、国防实力和国际影响力迈上了一个新台阶。作为国家战略性产业,国防科技工业以科学发展为主题,以转变发展方式为主线,坚持走军民 At the upcoming “12th Five-Year Plan”, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee will be held successfully, deploying a grand blueprint for another five-year development of our country and guiding all walks of life to forge ahead with the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way . Faced with the complicated international environment and the arduous and arduous task of reform, development and stability in the country, the Central Party Committee of the CPC Central Committee united and led the people of all nationalities throughout the country in its tenacious struggle, pioneering and innovative efforts and created a new development in the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Situation, the country’s economic strength, scientific and technological strength, national defense strength and international influence have reached a new level. As a national strategic industry, the national defense science and technology industry takes the theme of scientific development as the theme, changing the mode of development as the main line and sticking to the military and civilian
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生活中许多动物名不符实,比如说海马不是马,蜗牛不是牛。同样,许多有着鱼名的动物也不是鱼类。下面举的几个例子就是人们常见的名不符实的“鱼”。 Many animal names in l