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遮阳网是以聚烯烃树脂为主要原料,经加工拉丝后编织而成的一种质轻、高强度、耐老化的网状新型农业覆盖材料。在蔬菜生产中应用的主要有黑色和银灰色。1降低了光照强度 不同种类的遮阳网透光率不一样,一般在35%--75%之间,透光效果处于芦帘与薄膜之间,由于黑色遮阳同 Shade net is a polyolefin resin as the main raw material, after processing drawing a light, high strength, anti-aging mesh of new agricultural covering material. Mainly used in vegetable production are black and silver gray. 1 Reduce the light intensity Different types of shading mesh transmittance is not the same, generally between 35% - 75%, the light transmission effect between the shade and the film, the black shade with the same