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Outward Bound(拓展训练),意为一艘小船驶离平静的港湾,义无反顾地投向未知的旅程,去迎接一次次挑战,超越一个个困难!拓展训练起源于二战期间的英国。当时大西洋商务船队屡遭德国人袭击,许多年轻海员葬身海底。人们从生还者身上发现,他们并不一定都是体能最好的人,但却都是求生意志最顽强的人。于是汉思等人创办了“阿伯德威海上学校”,训练年轻海员在海上的生存能力和船触礁后的生存技巧。战争结束后,拓展训练的独特创意和训练方式逐渐被推广开来,训练对象由海员扩大到军人、学生、工商业人员等群体。训练目标也由单纯体能、生存训练扩展到心理训练、人格训练、管理训练等。风靡全球50余年的拓展训练于1995年走进中国。短短几年不断发展,倍受推崇,逐渐被列入国家机关、外企和其它现代化企业的培训日程。让我们跟随本刊记者走近这个秋天最IN的OutwardBound——“我运动,我健康”奥运拓展营,体味如火如荼的挑战生命极限的快感! Outward Bound means a small boat sailing out of a calm harbor without any hesitation toward an unknown journey to meet one challenge at a time more than one difficulty! Expansion of training originated in Britain during World War II. At that time, the Atlantic commercial fleet was repeatedly attacked by the Germans and many young seafarers were buried in the sea. People have discovered from the survivors that they are not always the best physically fit people, but they are all the tenacious people who will survive. So Hans et al. Founded Abertway Maritime School to train the survivability of young seafarers at sea and survival skills after the ship touches the reef. After the war ended, the unique ideas and training methods for expanding training were gradually popularized. The training targets were expanded from seafarers to groups such as military personnel, students and industrial and commercial personnel. The training goal is also extended from pure physical fitness, survival training to psychological training, personality training, management training and so on. Swept the world more than 50 years of expansion training in 1995 into China. In a few short years of continuous development, much respected, and gradually included in the state organs, foreign companies and other modern enterprise training schedule. Let us follow the correspondents approached this autumn IN most OutwardBound - “I exercise, I am healthy,” Olympic expansion camp, savoring the challenge of life in full swing delight!
关于私密闺房里的故事,流传着一些眩人的性爱传说,比如性爱时间越长女性越健康,精液是高浓缩营养品等等。但是你知道吗,其实这些所谓的传说或秘诀大多都缺乏科学依据,如果信之不疑,就会给你们带来伤害和不良后果。    误区之一:性爱时间越长女性越健康  很多女性认为性爱时间太短,身体机能尚未调动起来就结束了,欲望得不到充分释放,容易影响健康。反之,每次过性生活持续时间越长,女性越能获得性满足,身体各系统也
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幽默和智慧的语言是人际折冲中无往不利、无坚不摧的利器,智慧的语言能折服人,幽默的语言能愉悦人,这都要透过生命过程中不断地历练和阅读、学习、涵养 The language of hum
据有关方面报告 ,近日 ,日本客商对丹东某公司向日本出口的冻公鱼提出检测抗生素的要求 ,出口公司必须出具出口冻公鱼不含抗生素的证明。以前 ,日本客商从未对丹东出口公鱼提