Exponentially modified Gaussian relevance to the distributions of translocation events in nanopore-b

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suzuzl
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Nanopore technique plays an important role in single molecule detection, which illuminates the properties of an individual molecule by analyzing the blockage durations and currents. However, the traditional exponential function is lack of efficiency to describe the distributions of blockage durations in nanopore experiments. Herein, we introduced an exponentially modified Gaussian(EMG) function to fit the duration histograms of both simulated events and experimental events. In comparison with the traditional exponential function, our results demonstrated that the EMG provides a better fit while covers the entire range of the distributions. In particular, the fitted parameters of EMG could be directly used to discriminate the sequence length of the oligonucleotides at single molecule level. Nanopore technique plays an important role in single molecule detection, which illuminates the properties of an individual molecule by analyzing the blockage durations and currents. However, the traditional exponential function is lack of efficiency to describe the distributions of blockage durations in nanopore experiments. Herein, we introduced an exponentially modified Gaussian (EMG) function to fit the duration histograms of both simulated events and experimental events. In particular, the fitted parameters of EMG could be directly used to discriminate the sequence length of the oligonucleotides at single molecule level.
《红楼梦》里妙品无数,但最让我有感觉的吃食,是这样的:元宵夜,老太太先说寒浸浸的,于是移进了暖阁,后来又说夜长,有些饿了,凤姐说,有鸭子肉粥。老太太说不要,要吃清淡的,罢了。  “鸭子肉粥”这四字,我刻骨铭心。  想想啊:又是元宵夜,又寒浸浸做前缀。这时吃鸭子肉粥别有妙处:虽然鸭子肉粥是凉补的,但鸭肉能熬化到粥里,火功极到家了,可见酥烂浓郁、温厚怡人。跟寒浸浸一对照,看着都让人心里暖和起来。  春
多不饱和脂肪酸(Polyunsaturated fatty acids, PUFA)指双键数>2且碳原子数>18的直链脂肪酸,而双键数>3且碳原子数>20的PUFA则称为高度不饱和脂肪酸(Highly unsaturated fatty ac