
来源 :中国艾滋病性病 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abcdefghijklmn
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目的 了解广东省吸毒者的吸毒行为以及他们对艾滋病的预防知识和态度,为广东省在该人群中开展强有力的预防干预措施提供依据。方法 面对面的问卷调查获取基础和干预后资料,采用讲课、发放艾滋病预防宣传折页和小组咨询讨论等方法进行干预。结果 干预前吸毒者对艾滋病有关知识的正确认识率最低为 52%,最高为98%,干预后有不同程度的增加;61%的人担心会感染上艾滋病病毒;55.1%为静脉吸毒,其中41.1%有用过别人的注射器;68.8%的人声称有多性伴,而且 63.3%的人在最近 3次婚外性生活中没用安全套。结论 该人群在健康教育前对艾滋病知识已有一定程度的了解,但仍有感染艾滋病病毒的高危行为,因此如何来改变他们的行为不仅仅是宣传教育的问题,它将涉及到我国目前的一些政策和法律法规,这也将是目前HIV/AIDS控制策略的最大挑战。 Objective To understand the drug abuse behaviors of drug addicts in Guangdong Province and their knowledge and attitudes towards the prevention of AIDS, so as to provide a basis for Guangdong Province to carry out powerful preventive interventions in this population. Methods Face-to-face questionnaires were used to obtain basic and post-intervention data. Interventions were conducted using lectures, AIDS prevention leaflets, and group counseling. As a result, the correct knowledge rate of drug addicts before the intervention was 52% and the highest was 98%. After the intervention, there was an increase in the degree; 61% were worried about being infected with HIV; 55.1% were intravenous drug use, including 41.1 % has used other people’s syringes; 68.8% of people claimed to have more than one partner, and 63.3% did not use condoms in the last 3 extramarital sex lives. Conclusion The population has a certain degree of understanding of AIDS knowledge before health education, but there are still high-risk behaviors of HIV infection. Therefore, how to change their behavior is not only the issue of publicity and education, it will involve some of the current situation in China. Policies, laws and regulations will also be the biggest challenge for current HIV/AIDS control strategies.
糖槭蚧Parthcnolecanium corni (Bouche)近年来在新疆为害葡萄、苹果、桃、杏、核桃、酸梅、巴旦、械、白蜡、杨、柳等多种植物,并猖獗漫延。 此蚧虫一年发生1-2代,通常以2
[目的 ] 了解上海市郊土源性线虫虫卵污染蔬菜、土壤的情况及其与人群感染的关系。  [方法 ] 以上海市郊 10个区县的肠道蠕虫病监测点为调查点。每个点收集约 5 0 0名居民
自然界里蜱螨数量仅次于昆虫,它们的习性及生活方式多样。 一、螨类的繁殖 螨类是雌雄异体的动物,除若干螨类至今未发现雄螨外,都有雌雄存在。它们的生殖方式是有性生殖。有
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昆虫的交配、产卵、蜕皮、变态,受昆虫体内分泌的特殊物质所控制,这种物质统称为昆虫激素。如果激素分泌失调,就能引起昆虫生理过程的紊乱、畸变,以至死亡。 Insect mating