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新闻专业期刊的繁荣 是新闻队伍建设的需要 改革开放的十几年来,由于我国政治稳定、经济高速发展,新闻事业兴旺发达,新闻专业刊物也呈现出我国新闻史上前所未有的繁荣景象。目前全国公开发行的新闻专业期刊就有30多种。 新中国成立后,新华社、人民日报社先后分别创办了《新闻业务》和《新闻战线》这两个在全国范围内发行的新闻专业刊物;1960年8月上述两家刊物合并,由人民日报、新华社、中国记协三家联合主办, The Prosperity of News Professional Journals Is Necessary for the Construction of News Teams Since the reform and opening up of more than 10 years ago, due to the steady development of our politics, the rapid economic development and the prosperous journalism, news professional journals have also shown an unprecedented prosperity in the history of Chinese news. At present, there are over 30 kinds of news professional journals published in the whole country. After the founding of New China, the Xinhua News Agency and the People’s Daily started the publication of news professional journals titled “News Business” and “News Fence,” which were issued nationwide respectively. In August 1960, the above two journals were merged by the People’s Daily , Xinhua News Agency, China Association of Writers jointly organized three,
这是由台湾嘉义市的郑再兴发明的一种新型蒸煮两用锅。它的最大特点是整个锅由内锅和外锅两部分组 This is a new cooking pot invented by Zheng Zaixing, Chiayi City, Ta
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A general theoretical model for microwave photonic filters based on multi-wavelength light source and dispersive media is summarized and presented, and is appli
人总是羡慕鸟,为什么?因为它能自由自在地飞,就好像一句老话说的:“天高任鸟飞”——一个“任”字,是那么真切地昭示着鸟的悠然与轻松。 那么,鸟为什么快乐? 请听一则古埃及
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