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黑木耳是郧阳地区重要土特产之一,自从推广人工点菌以来,产量不断提高。1978年我地区房县通省公社塘埂大队高产的耳架达25斤以上,郧县个别高产耳架达28.5斤。但全地区平均产量只有5~6斤,这说明低产的耳架大有潜力可挖。因此提高黑木耳栽培技术水平,是迅速提高单 Black fungus is one of the important native products in Yunyang area. Since the promotion of artificial spot bacteria, the output has been continuously increased. In 1978, I County Fang County communes Tongliang Brigade yield earpieces up to 25 pounds, Yunxian individual high yield ears up to 28.5 pounds. However, the average output in the whole region is only 5 ~ 6 jin, which shows that low yield earbuds have great potential to dig. Therefore, raising the level of black fungus cultivation techniques is to quickly improve the single
  Silica nanoparticles (SiNPs) play a vital role in medicine applications such as drug delivery and cancer therapy.SiNPs can translocate into bloodstream thro
I first heard this story a few years ago from a girl I had met in New York’s Greenwich Village.The girl told me that she had been one of the participants.Since
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清代浮梁县令沈嘉征《民窑行》诗曰: “景德产佳瓷,产瓷不产手,工匠八方来,器成天下走。”真实地记载了历史上的景德镇以海纳百川之胸怀,吸引各地高人聚此生产佳瓷,精进技艺,与瓷都共生共荣的勃勃生机。今日之景德镇,文化品牌独特,创作环境便利,水土宜陶,人气更浓。各方画家名师皆为所动,纷纷来此做瓷甚至创业定居。本文所谓“四方”,特指来自赣地书画艺术传承与创新之重要基地、国内第一家世家型书画院的“江西四方书
2001年,广西钦州市举办第二届运动会,十岁的石一佐背着父母跑去凑热闹。她出其不意,一举夺得本届象棋比赛金牌。“爸妈,我可以养活自己了!”捧着金灿灿的奖牌和数 In 2001,