以提高经济实效为中心 努力提高水利管理水平

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党的第十二次代表大会提出了全面开创社会主义现代化建设的新局面,力争本世纪末实现全国工农业的年总产值翻两番的宏伟目标,“六五”计划对农业发展提出了具体的增产指标,比前30年平均递增速度高.同时,工业和城市建设的发展,对水提出了更高的要求.根据资料统计分析,目前全国工农业总用水量为4767亿立米,其中农业用水(包括灌溉、牧业及农村人畜用水)为4195亿立米,城市生活及工业用水572亿立米.按本 The twelfth congress of the party put forward the grand goal of completely creating the new situation of socialist modernization and strive to quadruple the annual total output value of industry and agriculture by the end of this century. The specific index of production increase is higher than that of the previous 30 years, meanwhile, the development of industry and urban construction has put forward higher requirements on water.According to the statistical analysis of data, the total amount of water used for industry and agriculture is 476.7 billion cubic meters at present, among which Agricultural water use (including irrigation, livestock husbandry and rural water for livestock and poultry) was 4,195 billion cubic meters and urban living and industrial water consumption was 57.2 billion cubic meters
最近几年 ,以名古屋大学和动燃、地震开拓小组为核心多次进行标题中含有 ACROSS和 ACROSS方法这一术语的报告。最初多是讲些原理 ,可能并未涉及过多的技术内容。但是据说许多
The results from receiver function and ACH inversion indicate that, driven by the collision between Eurasia and India, crustal shortening and thickening is ongo
在六七十年代,由于技术水平和勘探条件的限制,中国海上找油人一直把陆上周边油田的勘探经验搬下海,把勘探的主攻方向放在下第三系和占潜山上,结果没有太大的收获。 80年代初
Gold minerals in the Baochun skarn|type gold deposit are Au|Ag alloys with Ag contents within the range of 15-35.5 wt% and the minerals vary from 5μm to 50μm