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  1. Traditional job interview
  This kind of interview uses questions to find out if you have the necessary skills and enthusiasm for the post, along with the ability to fit in. If you are able to successfully communicate answers to questions such as: “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” or “Why do you want to work for this company?” There is a good chance the interview will be a success.
  2. Telephone interview
  It is used by many companies merely as a screening interview to 1)weed out weaker candidates. However it is also a good method to get in touch with people in other countries. Therefore for those wishing to work abroad it may be the first interview you have.
  3. Group interview
  It is designed to see how you interact with others. Prospective candidates are gathered together for an informal discussion about some topics. The job seekers who shine at this kind of interview will be asked back for a personal interview.
  4. One to one interview
  It occurs after you have already convinced your prospective employer that you have the skills and education necessary for the job. This might have been established because of the excellence of your CV and cover letter. In addition, there may have been a telephone interview where you impressed them enough to proceed to this.
  5. Committee interview
  It is the opposite of the one to one interview. Here you will face several members of the company and be asked a wide variety of questions; they may set you a problem to see how well you can come up with a plan for dealing with it.
  6. Lunch interview
  It might seem more informal but remember you are still being observed. You should treat it in the same way as an office interview but try to relax and get along with your interviewer.
  7. Situational interview
  In a situational interview you will be asked how you would respond to a specific situation. You could be asked, for example, how you would handle an angry customer and you should draw on your past experiences to give an answer, with examples and stories to back you up.
  8. Case interview
  It is similar to the situational interview. However, it is much more specific and is used by employers such as management consulting firms and investment banks. Here you are asked to discuss a particular business problem in order to assess your problem solving skills.
  1. 传统面试
  2. 电话面试
  3. 小组面试
  4. 一对一型面试
  5. 一对多型面试
  6. 午餐面试
  8. 案例面试
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