Crime against Humanity<br/>—Uncovering Two Decades of Corruption in the FDA Regarding

来源 :再生医学期刊(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:X446873887
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The world needs to know the facts as to how the FDA “protects” the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness, and security of human drugs and biological products for human use. Recent uproar has surfaced over the FDA’s approval process on the un
1 病历介绍。患者,男,41岁,以“间断性便血40余年”主诉入院。半岁时无原因出现大便有时带血,鲜血,每次约20mL,大便颜色正常,就诊于市儿童医院,拟诊“直肠息肉”,1年后再次就诊于市儿
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