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中央苏区是我们党在江西瑞金革命根据地建立的中华苏维埃政府,简称中央苏区。苏区时期是党的群众路线孕育产生的重要时期。当年,面对敌人残酷的军事“围剿”和严密的经济封锁,苏区干部在异常艰苦的环境中用“自带干粮去办公,日着草鞋干革命,夜打灯笼访贫农”的好作风排除万难,赢得了苏区人民的信任和拥护。苏维埃政府紧密联系群众,真心实意为苏区人民谋利益,广泛发动群众干革命,筑成了真正的“铜墙铁壁”。据史料记载,当年苏区总人口约240万,青壮年有50万人,先后参加红军的就有33万人,支前的有60余万人,牺牲的 The Central Soviet Area is the Chinese Soviet government established by our party in the revolutionary base area of ​​Jiangxi Ruijin, referred to as the Central Soviet Area. The Soviet period was an important period that gave birth to the party’s mass line. In those days, in the face of the brutal military “encirclement and suppression” campaign by the enemy and the tight economic blockade, the cadres in the Soviet Union used “carrying dry food to the office with the help of dry food, revolutionizing the life of the shoes and shoes, and visiting the poor peasants by night” in an unusually hard environment. Good work rule out the difficulties, won the trust and support of the people in the Soviet Union. The Soviet government, in close contact with the masses, sincerely and sincerely hopes for the benefit of the people in the Soviet area and extensive mobilization of the masses in the revolution so as to create a true “iron wall.” According to historical records, when the total population of the Soviet Area about 2.4 million, young and middle-aged 500,000 people, has joined the Red Army has 33 million people, more than 60 million people in advance, sacrificed
THE Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC)adopted the Decision of the CPC Central Committee on Some Major Issu
作为革命家和军事家,长征是毛泽东指挥千军万马、进行战略转移的得意之作;而作为著名诗人,毛泽东创作于1935年10月长征途中的《七律·长征》,堪称革命的现实主义与革命的浪漫主义美妙结合的典范之作。毛泽东十分喜欢自己的这首诗,一生中至少有五次书写《七律·长征》赠给别人。  1936年,书赠斯诺 1936年7月至10月,美国记者埃德加·斯诺在陕北进行采访,成为第一个到陕北苏区的外国人。毛泽东在谈完长征的
网络发展迅捷、变化多端,形成了微博。本文将探讨微博视域下高校党建工作。 The rapid development of the network, changing, formed a microblogging. This article will