Evolution of kaolinite subgroup minerals and mixed-layer illite/smectite in the Paleogene Damintun D

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:QQainigirl
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The oil-rich Damintun Depression is located in the Liaohe Basin, Northeast China, and was formed during the Paleogene. The major oil-producing strata in the depression are mudstone and shale. To explore the burial diagenetic history of the basin and the formation thresholds of hydrocarbons, the characters of the kaolinite subgroup minerals and mixed-layer illite/smectite in the mudstone and the shale are studied by using X-ray diffraction, electron probe, scanning electron microscope, and Fourier infrared spectrum. The kaolinite subgroup consists of kaolinite and halloysite. The kaolinite is flake-like or vermiform-like. The halloysite is in long tubular shape and its length is related to its iron content. A longer tube has lower iron content. The crystallinity of kaolinite is 0.40 °2θ, and its degree of order increases from 0.03 to 1.17 with the burial depth. Kaolinite is in disorder when the buried depth is less than or equal to 2479 m , and it is partially ordered when the buried depth is greater than 2479 m. Kaolinite is supposed to turn into dickite when the depth is greater than 2550 m, but low penetrability and low porosity of the shale and mudstone prevent such a change. The mixed-layer illite/smectite changes from disorder to order continually as the buried depth increases. Its disorder (R0I/S), as defined by illite layer content (I%), is smaller than 50% at depths less than 2550.25 m. Based on Hoffman & Hower’s model, the paleo-geothermal gradients of 3.37–3.76°C/100 m (3.57°C /100 m on average) can be derived in the Paleocene Damintun Depression, which is significantly higher than the present geothermal gradient (2.9°C/100 m). The threshold depth of the oil formation in the depression is about 2550 m. The oil-rich Damintun Depression is located in the Liaohe Basin, Northeast China, and was formed during the Paleogene. The major oil-producing strata in the depression are mudstone and shale. To explore the burial diagenetic history of the basin and the formation thresholds of hydrocarbons, the characters of the kaolinite subgroup minerals and mixed-layer illite / smectite in the mudstone and the shale are studied by using X-ray diffraction, electron probe, scanning electron microscope, and Fourier infrared spectrum. The kaolinite subgroup consists of kaolinite The halloysite is in a long tubular shape and its length is related to its iron content. A long tube has a lower iron content. The crystallinity of kaolinite is 0.40 ° 2Θ, and its degree of order increases from 0.03 to 1.17 with the burial depth. Kaolinite is in disorder when the buried depth is less than or equal to 2479 m, and it is partially ordered when the buried depth is greater than 2479 m. Kaolinite is supposed to turn into dickite when the depth is greater than 2550 m, but low penetrability and low porosity of the shale and mudstone prevent such a change. The mixed-layer illite / smectite changes from disorder to Its disorder (ROI / S), as defined by illite layer content (I%), is smaller than 50% at depths less than 2550.25 m. Based on Hoffman & Hower’s model, the paleo-geothermal gradients of 3.37-3.76 ° C / 100 m (3.57 ° C / 100 m on average) can be derived in the Paleocene Damintun Depression, which is significantly higher than the current geothermal gradient (2.9 ° C / 100 m). The threshold depth of the oil formation in the depression is about 2550 m.
风吹走一季又一季的云,我迷失在记忆的十字路口看彼岸花开成海。记忆在沉睡了一个漫长的世纪以后,冲破层层叠叠被繁花掩映的天空。思念连成一段漫长的曲线散落在时间的尽头。  深蓝的天空被电线切割成一块一块。那种美丽,像是写满了谁密密麻麻的心事,寂寞而又忧伤,一如现在的我想念你的心情。  今年的阳光里花开得太匆匆,那种美丽像一场盛大的幻觉。  我站在人潮汹涌的街角,风轻轻地吹过来扬起我的头发,但是我却不知道
20 0 3年全国粉体设备 技术 产品信息交流会暨国际粉体及散装技术展览会于 1 1月 2 9日到 1 2月 1日在上海世贸商城胜利召开 ,出席会议的代表和参展商近 50 0人 ,有关政府部
摘 要: 作者针对职业高中声乐教学方案的创新性展开了研究,并结合职业高中声乐教学的原则与自身经验总结了几点可行性较高的创新措施,其中包括着重突出学生的主体地位、提高学生的自主学习能力和采用理论与实践相结合的教学方式等,以期对我国职业高中声乐教学水平的提高起到促进作用。  关键词: 职业高中 声乐教案 教学方法  一、引言  音乐课程不仅是推动我国艺术事业快速发展的一项重要力量,而且对于职业高中学生
一、统计改革认识上的误区 改革开放以来,统计界,包括笔者们在内,曾经就统计的改革问题进行过多方面的调查研究和探索,也提出过不少改革的设想和方案,智者见智,仁者见仁,但
我五岁的时候,妹妹出生了。  我趁大人不注意,悄悄溜进卧室。墙壁是灰色的,床单也是灰色的,灰蒙蒙的背景中躺着一个粉嫩嫩的婴儿。她的皮肤皱巴巴的,少得可怜的头发湿漉漉地贴在脑门上,双眼紧紧闭着。我伸出手挠了挠她的脚心,她张了一下嘴,好像不知道该哭还是该笑,但最终还是哇地哭了起来,小小的五官挤成一团,口水顺着嘴角流到脸颊上。真丑!  妹妹的哭声惊动了大人,我理所当然被轰了出去。  家中有了妹妹,立即热
我退过两次学,第一次是在14岁的时候,读初三。那时候年少轻狂,觉得自己这么牛的一个人,怎么能天天待在教室里做卷子、背单词呢。  有一天我走在街上,看到路边的家具城开业,请了个乐队,几个披头散发的青年抱着吉他、贝斯在台上一顿狂吼,我的激情一下子就被点燃了,我心想,这不就是我梦寐以求的生活吗。后来我才知道,他们唱的是黑豹乐队的《无地自容》。  回到家我就跟我妈说:“我要去上艺术学校,学乐器、做歌手、组
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