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建福闽北各地的冬季作物,以小麦为主,擬跳虫是闽北地区麦苗的主要害虫。1953年建阳的水南、童遊等乡发生多的有40%以上的麦苗被害,一般也在10%,造成严重缺苗现象。笔者曾对此虫进行观察和防治试验,现将结果简单介绍于后,以供参考。一形态擬跳虫(Onychiurus sp.)属于粘营目,跳虫科(poduridae)的一种害虫。体长1.25-1.60毫米,宽0.25-0.30毫米;体柔嫩;乳白色,若虫有时淡红色或灰色;体表疏生细毛。头部椭圆形;触角四节构成,第一节较长,末节膨大成纺锤状。前胸甚短;足4节,胫跗节末端具一爪。腹部可见第6节,第一腹节腹面中央有一圆筒状粘管,末节末端有肛门刺一对,略向背面弯曲。二发生情况闽北小麦播种期皆在11月中、下旬。播种后1星期,擬跳虫即开始为害,以播种后两星期为害最烈,可延续为害1个多月。当种子萌芽后不久,虫即由针 Fujian and Fujian built around the winter crops, wheat-based, to be a dragoon is the northern part of the main wheat pests. In 1953, more than 40% of the wheat seedlings occurred in Shuisan, Tongyou, and other townships of Jiangyang were killed, usually at 10%, resulting in serious shortage of seedlings. The author once observed and controlled the pest test, the results will now be briefly introduced for reference. One form of Onychiurus sp. Is a pest of the sticky order, poduridae. Body length 1.25-1.60 mm, width 0.25-0.30 mm; body soft; milky white, nymphs sometimes pink or gray; surface sparse fine hair. Head oval; tentacles four sections, the first section is longer, the distal expansion into a spindle. The chest is very short; foot 4, the tibiodular end with a claw. The abdomen can be seen in Section 6, the first abdominal section has a cylindrical viscous tube at the center of the abdomen, the distal end of an anal thorn a pair, slightly curved to the back. Second, the occurrence of North Fujian wheat sowing are in mid-November, late. One week after sowing, the prey will begin to harm, to the two weeks after sowing the most harmful, can continue to damage more than 1 month. Shortly after the seeds germinate, the worms consist of needles
近年来,自治区苜蓿面积不断扩大,因而苜蓿籽象(虫甲)(Tychius medicaginis Bris)所造成的损失,更值得重视。据一九六二年在下野地四场调查,苜蓿种籽被害率高达50%。为害苜蓿籽
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草地螟在陇东又名苜蓿卷叶蛾,属鳞翅目,螟蛾科,学名是 Loxostege sticticalis L.是一种杂食毁灭性的害虫。主要为害苜蓿,其次是豌豆、扁豆、大豆、向日葵、玉米、高粱,大麻
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各市、县(市、区)人民政府,省政府直属各单位: 为统一有关政策,促进教育事业发展,根据财政部《关于同意浙江省征收地方教育附加的复函》(财综函[2006]9号)精神,现就我省开征