Study on a W-band modified V-shaped microstrip meander-line traveling-wave tube

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:icesoul8585
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The study on a miniaturized,low-voltage,wide-bandwidth,high-efficiency modified V-shaped microstrip meanderline slow-wave structure is presented.This structure is evolved from the original U-shaped microstrip meander-line slowwave structure,combining the advantages of a traditional microstrip and a rectangular helix.In this paper,simulations of the electromagnetic characteristics and the beam-wave interaction of this structure are carried out.Our study shows that when the design voltage and the current of a sheet electron beam are set to be 4700 V and 100 mA,respectively,this miniature millimeter-wave power amplifier is capable of delivering 160-W output power with a corresponding gain of 37.3 dB and a maximum interaction efficiency of 34% at 97 GHz. The study on a miniaturized, low-voltage, wide-bandwidth, high-efficiency modified V-shaped microstrip meanderline slow-wave structure is presented. This structure is evolved from the original U-shaped microstrip meander-line slow wave structure, combining the advantages of a traditional microstrip and a rectangular helix. In this paper, simulations of the electromagnetic characteristics and the beam-wave interaction of this structure are carried out. Our study shows that when the design voltage and the current of a sheet electron beam are set to be 4700 V and 100 mA, respectively, this miniature millimeter-wave power amplifier is capable of delivering 160-W output power with a corresponding gain of 37.3 dB and a maximum interaction efficiency of 34% at 97 GHz.
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