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朱砂挂衣就是用朱砂细粉与某一中药饮片共拌,使朱砂附着于饮片表面以增强镇心安神等作用。朱茯苓、朱麦冬、朱远志、朱灯芯等等都是我们在中药房调配汤剂中经常遇列的朱砂挂衣与诸药共煎的凋配煎服形式。殊不知,朱砂挂衣入煎弊大于利。下面,笔者就此问题试作浅淡,供同道参考。 1.朱砂的基源,化学成分及其稳定性:朱砂为硫化物类矿物辰砂族辰砂,亦称丹砂、赤砂、汞砂,主含硫化汞。《药性论》谓其“有大毒,若经伏火及一切烹炼,则毒等砒、硇,服之必毙”。《本草逢原》曰:“丹砂入火,则烈毒能杀人,急以生羊血、童便、金汁等解之。”说明朱砂不宜入煎,如果经伏火及一切烹练,则会产生极大的毒性,危害人体的健康。 2.根据《本草纲目》及九○版《中国药典》:在朱砂用法上均以丸剂、散剂方式成药服用,未有入煎汤剂 The cinnabar hanging clothes is a mixture of cinnabar powder and a certain Chinese medicine piece, so that the cinnabar adheres to the surface of the piece to enhance the tranquillity and other functions. Zhu Xi, Zhu Maidong, Zhu Yuanzhi, Zhu Wenxin, and so on are all forms of accompanied decoctions of cinnabar hanging clothes and various drugs commonly encountered in the preparation of decoction in traditional Chinese medicine centers. As everyone knows, cinnabar hanging clothes do more harm than good. Below, the author tries to make a faint attempt on this issue for reference. 1. The basic source of cinnabar, its chemical composition and its stability: cinnabar is a cinnabar cinnamate cinnabar sand, also known as sand, red sand, mercury sand, containing mercury sulphide. The “Theory of Pharmacy” states that “there are great poisons. If you go through an unsuccessful fire and everything is cooked, then you will be poisoned and smashed and your clothes will be punished.” “Bencao every original” said: “Dan sand into the fire, then the poison can be severely poisoned, anxious to shed blood, children, gold juice and other solutions.” Explain cinnabar should not be fried, if the flame and all the fire, it will produce Extremely toxic and harmful to human health. 2. According to the “Compendium of Materia Medica” and the 90th edition of the “Chinese Pharmacopoeia”: The use of cinnabar is based on pills and powders.
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