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炎热夏季,酷暑高温,胸闷憋气,热不可耐,脾胃呆滞,不思饮食,此时,若选用以下瓜粥进食,不但可清热祛暑,增进食欲,补益胃气,而且还可防病治病,取得意想不到的效果。一、苦瓜粥:苦瓜100克,粳米60克。先将粳米入水用旺火煮沸,待粥快熟时,入苦瓜,再煮沸数下,即可食用。苦瓜是一味天然苦味健胃剂,不仅可去火清心,清热祛暑,且它的苦味刺激人体唾液,促进胃液分泌,增进食欲,增强疾病的抵抗力。二、丝瓜粥:丝瓜250克,刮去皮,洗净切成块。粳米100克,入锅加水,用大火煮沸,待粥八成熟时,入丝瓜,再滚沸几下,即可食用。丝瓜液有“通经络,行血脉”的作用,在炎热夏季,用翠绿鲜嫩丝瓜煮粥食用,清香爽口,清热解毒,生津止渴,止咳化痰,凉血止血,还可补充人体汗液的损耗,也是疮疡痈疸热毒未溃者的辅助食疗佳品。三、黄瓜粥:黄瓜150克,切蒂、削皮、去瓤、清水洗净,粳米60克,入锅加适量水,用旺火煮沸,待粳米即将煮成粥时,入黄瓜,再滚沸几下即可食用。黄瓜肉质脆嫩,汁多味甘,具有独特的芳香味。可以减缓肠道对糖的吸收,减轻口渴,降低血糖、血脂,起到减肥的作用。四、冬瓜粥:用冬瓜150克,连皮切成块状,清水洗净,和粳米60克煮粥食用。夏令常食冬瓜粥,其清淡之味 Hot summer, hot summer heat, chest tightness, suffocation, heat intolerance, spleen and dull, do not think diet, this time, if you choose the following melon porridge eating, not only heat Qushu, increase appetite, replenishing Qi stomach, but also disease prevention and treatment , Achieved unexpected results. First, bitter gourd porridge: 100 grams of bitter gourd, 60 grams of japonica rice. The first rice into the water with boiling stir until the porridge is cooked, into the bitter gourd, and then boiled several times, you can eat. Bitter gourd is a natural bitter stomach invigorating agent, not only to the fire to clear the heat Qutushu, and its bitter taste to stimulate the body saliva, promote gastric secretion, increase appetite and enhance disease resistance. Second, loofah porridge: gourd 250 grams, scraping the skin, cut into pieces. 100 grams of japonica rice, wok water, boiled with fire until the porridge eight mature, into the loofah, then boil a few, you can eat. Loofah liquid “through the meridians, blood line” effect, in the hot summer, with tender green gourd porridge edible, Qingxin refreshing, detoxification, thirst, cough and phlegm, cooling blood to stop bleeding, but also to add body sweat Of the loss, but also the sore throat jaundice drug is not the loser of the auxiliary diet Jiapin. Third, the cucumber porridge: 150 grams of cucumber, Chetty, peeling, wash, clean water, 60 grams of rice, wok plus the right amount of water, stir with boiling until rice is about to boil congee, into the cucumber, then boil Feel free to eat. Cucumber meat crisp, juicy sweet, with a unique aromatic flavor. Can slow down the intestinal absorption of sugar, reduce thirst, lower blood sugar, blood lipids, play a role in weight loss. Four, melon porridge: with gourd 150 grams, even the skin cut into pieces, washed with water, and 60 grams of rice porridge eating. Summertime eat melon porridge, the light taste
众所周知,分化型进展期胃癌呈膨胀性生长,表现为隆起性病灶,如Borrmann Ⅰ和Ⅱ型;而未分化型进展期胃癌往往呈侵润性生长,表现为凹陷性病灶, It is well-known that differ
2.主要人物形象。 堂吉诃德。这是一个不朽的艺术典型。这个形象的基本性格特征是:①脱离观实,耽于幻想。他受骑士小说影响,认不清现实,脱离实际,在幻想中生活,企图以过时的
作者报告288例经TURBt的表浅性肿瘤,年龄在70岁以下,分期属pTa, pT1.所有病例均在电切后30天行排尿膀胱尿道造影,诊断有何膀胱肾逆流的存在,以及确定上尿路肿瘤种植的关系.2
在一间阴暗、破旧的犹如洞穴的屋子里,沙阿迪娅坐在炉子边的一席破烂不堪的草席上取暖,双膝上放着她那生病的婴儿。 In a dark, shabby, cave-like house, Shadiah sat on