Gibberellins,brassinolide,and ethylene signaling were involved in flower differentiation and develop

来源 :园艺学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyiming1
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Hormones play important roles in vegetative and reproductive processes;however,the regulatory roles of hormones in Nelumbo nucifera(Lotus) growth and development are unclear.In this study,nine types of endogenous hormones,including gibberellins (GA1,GA3,and GA4),indole-3-acetic acid (IAA),brassinolide (BR),ethylene (ETH),jasmonic acid (JA),abscisic acid (ABA),and zeatin (ZT) were detected in dormant shoot tips,vegetative shoot tips,developing leaf buds,and developing flower buds of lotus.The results indicated that GA,ETH,and BR signaling can promote vegetative and reproductive development of lotus.GA signaling regulates plant height and stimulates flower bud differentiation.GA levels were the highest in the flower buds;exogenous GA3+4 increased plant height by approximately 90%,increased flower quantity by nearly 40%,and advanced flowering by 4 d.Suppressing GA biosynthesis using paclobutrazol decreased plant height and flower quantity by 38% and 87.1%,respectively,and delayed flowering by 15.6 d.ETH signaling has positive regulatory effects on vegetative growth and flower development.The ETH concentration in the developing leaf buds was at least 50% higher than that in other samples.Ethephon spraying led to remarkable increases in plant height and leaf thickness and extended the flowering duration.BR signaling acts as a growth promoter during vegetative and reproductive development in lotus.The highest BR levels were detected in the vegetative shoot tips.External application of 28-epihomobrassinolide resulted in growth-promoting phenotypes including longer scapes,thicker leaves,and prolonged flowering.
用间歇式活性污泥法快速富集短程反硝化聚磷菌(DPB),分析pH、污泥龄(SRT)、温度、碳源对系统脱氮除磷的影响,利用高通量测序技术研究污泥的菌群结构.试验结果表明:三阶段驯化法历经36 d成功富集DPB,pH为8.0,SRT为26 d,温度为24℃,COD为200.00 mg/L,乙酸钠作为碳源时,系统的反硝化除磷效果最佳,TP、亚硝酸盐氮去除率分别为93.22%、91.36%.具有除磷功能的Ignavibacterium和Povalibacter为系统的优势菌属.
目的 探讨护患共同参与模式的系统康复护理在手部烧伤患者术后功能锻炼中的应用价值.方法 选取本院2017年12月—2020年12月我院收治的68例手部烧伤患者,按照随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,每组34例.对照组采取常规干预,观察组实施护患共同参与模式的系统康复护理.比较两组术后手功能恢复情况、手关节活动度、握力、生活能力、健康状况及并发症情况.结果 观察组的手功能恢复优良率为97.06%,优于对照组的76.47%,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);干预后,观察组的TAM为(199.46±31.36)°、握
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目的 探究综合康复治疗结合高压氧对糖尿病足患者下肢血液流变学及血管内皮生长因子的影响.方法 选取本院2020年2月—2021年4月收治的120例糖尿病足患者,按照随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,每组60例.对照组采用高压氧治疗,观察组在此基础上采用综合康复治疗,均治疗1个月.比较两组的治疗效果、血液流变学及血管内皮功能.结果 观察组的治疗总有效率为96.67%,高于对照组的85.00%,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);治疗后,观察组的全血低切黏度、纤维蛋白原、全血高切黏度、红细胞变形指数、血浆高切黏度及内
我国快速城市化过程可能会导致重金属在城市土壤中累积,威胁居民健康.通过收集和整理最近15年间发表的文献数据,从整体上分析了我国52个主要城市土壤重金属含量特征及其健康风险.结果表明,我国城市土壤平均ω(Pb)、ω(Cd)、ω(Cu)和 ω(Zn)分别为:58.5、0.49、42.1 和 156.3 mg·kg-1,其Igeo值排序为:Cd(1.10)>Zn(0.36)>Pb(0.28)>Cu(0.13).沿海经济发达省份(如江苏、浙江等)和资源型省份(如湖南、河南、内蒙古等)城市中土壤重金属含量相对较高.
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利用观测资料和中尺度天气-化学模式(WRF-Chem)对一次冷锋南下天气过程导致的我国东部大范围空气污染开展研究,强调了冷锋过境前后的边界层结构及其对PM2.5三维结构和变化的影响.观测发现,地面重污染区域位于冷锋前部均压场或等压线稀疏区域,在冷锋由北向南快速移动过程中,途经各站点PM2 5浓度峰值伴随锋前而至.WRF-Chem模式可以较好地模拟中国东部地面和高空气象要素以及PM2.5浓度的时空变化.模拟结果表明,处于该移动冷锋天气系统相同位置的沿途各站点的边界层结构以及PM2.5垂直廓线表现出相似的特征