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四川崇庆县(古称崇阳),清代时,民间已风行酿酒。二十年代后,酿酒更形旺盛,一个农村小县,糟房竟达百户,酒灶就有百余口,酒的品类也多,独具风味,半个世纪后——一九八○年“九九”重阳,“史无前例”的举办“崇阳酒会”。一举展出二十四种曲酒,以及各类香酒、甜酒。这是全县各公社的酒厂酿制的酒,已畅销全国。此酒会甚为奇特,各地赶来赴会购酒者拥满县城,闻之心醉。 Sichuan Chongqing County (ancient name Chongyang), Qing Dynasty, folk has been popular winemaking. After the twenties, wine more powerful, a small rural counties, as many as a hundred bad households, there are more than 100 cellar mouth, the wine is also more variety, unique flavor, half a century later - one hundred and eighty Year “nine nine ” Chongyang, “unprecedented ” held “Chongyang cocktail party ”. In one fell swoop show twenty-four kinds of music, as well as various types of wine, liqueur. This is the wine brewed by the communes of the county’s winery, has been selling the country. This reception is very strange, rushed to attend the meeting to buy wine crowded the county, smell of ecstasy.
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AIM: To investigate whether activin regulates the cell proliferation of human gastric cancer cell line SNU-16 through the mRNA changes in activin receptors, Sma
电眼美人汤材料:白术3钱、车前子2钱、茯苓1两、党参3钱做法:将上述材料以5碗水煮10分钟,配合连皮切块的冬瓜1斤再煮10分钟,再放入海瓜子一斤、姜丝一大匙和盐、酒少许调 E
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AIM: To detect the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) and microsatellite instabilities (MSI) of fragile histidine triad (FHIT) gene in gastric carcinoma and to study