
来源 :中国篆刻(钢笔书法) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zeone
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古代法书浩如烟海,颜筋柳骨千古流传。面对经典,要存有一颗敬畏之心。惟其敬畏,方能深入骨髓,探寻真知,觅得甘泉。阅历,是一种财富。它会不经意间体现在笔下,融合在作品之中。经风历雨之后,方知闲庭信步的从容远比惊涛骇浪的险绝更耐人寻味。软笔也好,硬笔也罢,入之愈深,愈觉其难。“删 Ancient books voluminous, Yen tendons spread ancient ages. In the face of the classic, there must be a heart of reverence. However, in awe, can deep bone marrow, to explore the true knowledge, find Oasis. Experience, is a wealth. It will inadvertently be reflected in the pen, integrated in the works. After the rainy season, knowing the ease of taking a walk is more intriguing than the dangers of a stormy sea. Soft pen Ye Hao, hard pen worth mentioning, into the deeper, more difficult to feel. ”delete
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