3d-RADIAL WAVE FUNCTION AND ITS APPLICATION (Ⅰ)——Semi-Empirical Radial Wave Function and Spectra for

来源 :分子科学与化学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangchen87
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THE double-ζ function form of radial wave function is discussed,and the semi-empirical double-ζ radial wave functions of 3d-orbitsfor the free divalent and trivalent cations of the first transi-tion series are suggested.The overlap integrals between thesewave functions and the corresponding Hartree-Fock results ofWatson are greater than 0.99.The deviation for Racah para-meters and spin-orbit coupling constant calculated from the ex-perimental fitting results is,in general,less than 6%.It istherefore likely that for free ions the spectra calculated bymeans of radial wave functions are expected to be in agreementwith the experimental results. THE double-ζ function form of radial wave function is discussed, and the semi-empirical double-ζ radial wave functions of 3d-orbits for the free divalent and trivalent cations of the first transi- tion series are suggested. The overlap integrals between these wave functions and the corresponding Hartree-Fock results of Watson are greater than 0.99. The deviation for Racah para-meters and spin-orbit coupling constant calculated from the ex-perimental fitting results is, in general, less than 6% .It istherefore likely that for free ions the spectra calculated bymeans of radial wave functions are expected to be in agreement with the experimental results.
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