Left-sided appendicitis:Review of 95 published cases and a case report

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:joeyifeng
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AIM:To give an overview of the literature on left-sided acute appendicitis (LSAA) associated with situs inversus totalis (SIT) and midgut malrotation (MM).METHODS:We present a new case of LSAA with SIT and a literature review of studies published in the English language on LSAA,accessed via PubMed and Google Scholar databases.RESULTS:Ninety-five published cases of LSAA were evaluated and a 25-year-old female,who presented to our clinic with left lower abdominal pain caused by LSAA,is reported.In the reviewed literature,fiftyseven patients were male and 38 were female with an age range of 8 to 82 years and a median age of 29.1 ± 15.9 years.Sixty-six patients had SIT,23 had MM,three had cecal malrotation,and two had a previously unnoted congenital abnormality.Fifty-nine patients had presentedto the hospital with left lower,14 with right lower and seven with bilateral lower quadrant pain,and seven subjects complained of left upper quadrant pain.The diagnosis was established preoperatively in 49 patients,intraoperatively in 19,and during the postoperative period in five;14 patients were aware of having this anomaly.The data of eight patients were not unavailable.Eleven patients underwent laparoscopic appendectomy,which was combined with cholecystectomy in two cases.Histopathological examination of the appendix specimens revealed adenocarcinoma in only two of 95 patients.CONCLUSION:The diagnosis of left lower quadrant pain is based on well-established clinical symptoms,physical examination and physician’s experience. AIM: To give an overview of the literature on left-sided acute appendicitis (LSAA) associated with situs inversus totalis (SIT) and midgut malrotation (MM). METHODS: We present a new case of LSAA with SIT and a literature review of studies published in the English language on LSAA, accessed via PubMed and Google Scholar databases.RESULTS: Ninety-five published cases of LSAA were evaluated and a 25-year-old female, who presented to our clinic with left lower abdominal pain caused by LSAA, is reported.In the reviewed literature, fiftyseven patients were male and 38 were female with an age range of 8 to 82 years and a median age of 29.1 ± 15.9 years. Sixty-six patients had SIT, 23 had MM, three had cecal malrotation , and two had a previously unnoted congenital abnormality. Ffty-nine patients had presented to the hospital with left lower, 14 with right lower and seven with bilateral lower quadrant pain, and seven subjects complained of left upper quadrant pain. The diagnosis was established preoperativel y in 49 patients, intraoperatively in 19, and during the postoperative period in five; 14 patients were aware of having anomaly. the data of eight patients were not unavailable. Eleven patients underwent laparoscopic appendectomy, which was combined with cholecystectomy in two cases. Histopathological examination of the appendix specimens revealed adenocarcinoma in only two of 95 patients. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of left lower quadrant pain is based on well-established clinical symptoms, physical examination and physician’s experience.
〔关键词〕 农村;留守学生;心理问题;成因;策略  〔中图分类号〕 G635.5  〔文献标识码〕 A  〔文章编号〕 1004—0463(2012)20—0067—01  为了掌握农村留守学生心理动向,深化教育改革,加强教育教学的针对性,提高教育教学成效,探索素质教育的新路子。本文研究了农村留守学生的一些基本情况和教育方法。  一、调查目的和方法  通过调查掌握留守学生的心理动向,为课题研究提供
目前,日本尼康公司举行的第40届国际显微摄影大赛结果揭晓。尼康显微摄影大赛的历史可以追溯到1974年,大赛邀请科学家和显微摄影师用照相机和显微镜将微观世界以照片的形式展示给大众。在本届大赛中,共有79个国家近2 000幅照片参赛,结果有84幅照片获奖,其中20幅获得优胜奖。
大家有没有过这样的疑问:人为什么要用两只眼睛看世界呢?两只眼睛看到的东西又是否完全一样呢?让我们通过一个小实验来寻找答案吧!  实验材料:  长约20cm、宽约15cm的硬纸片一张,铅笔一支,胶带一卷.  操作步骤:  (1)想办法把铅笔竖直放在桌面上.  (2)闭上左眼,仅用右眼观察,并将右手食指放在右眼与铅笔之间(右手食指刚好能挡住铅笔).此时,保持右手食指不动,闭上右眼,仅用左眼观察,你发现
情绪可以是无意识的吗?近来情绪心理学家们越发对这个问题产生了兴趣。“潜意识”这个概念现在已经被广大的人民群众所接受,人们喜欢探讨自己所做的梦,弗洛伊德的冰山模型 C