A Report on Undergraduates' Income and Expense

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  A Purpose
  The purpose of this report is to investigate the income and expenditure of undergraduates’ cost of living in Chongqing University of Science and Technology. Grasp the psychological features of college students’ consumption and behavioral targeting.
  B Background
  With the depth of the economic and social development, consumer market is now gradually divided into different market segments based on occupation or age. College students are a special group of the society. On the one hand, most of them are far away from their hometown and live alone. On the other hand, there is no independent source of income, and their tuition usual is provided by their family because of youth, although part of them can enjoy scholarships and students loans. However, just because they are so young, they all are vigor, ambitious and eager to do what they want to do, but limited income almost becomes the biggest problem in their lives.
  C Investigation methods
  The information in this report was gathered by questionnaire.
  D Scope
  This report investigates undergraduates from Chongqing University of Science and Technology.
  A The basic information of informant
  90 students from university were investigated, including 48 girls and 42 boys.
  According to investigation result, the most of our informants is junior, it accounts for about 43% and the percentage of freshman is 21%, sophomore is 23%, senior is 13%. Then about 43% students are from countryside and 57% students are from city.
  B The income level and main source of it
  According to the survey, those families earning less than 2500 yuan per month number 12 or 13% of the total. About 30 percent of the informants have monthly incomes ranging from 2500 yuan to 5000 yuan. Those who earn more than 5000 but less than 7500 Yuan per month account for 33%. And those monthly household income between 7500 and 10000 yuan number 16% of the total, about 8% of families earn more than 10000 yuan per month.
  Research has revealed that nowadays more than 90% of college students' incomes come from parents. The cost of living income is relatively fixed. Make the students form a kind of psychological dependence. Few students have the other sources, such as scholarship, grants, and part?鄄time job to help they satisfy with their living expenses. We can clearly see that the majority of students' consumption is bond to the parents' giving.   C The overall trajectory of spending
  The survey shows that 7 students' expenses is under 500 yuan and 19 students' expenses is between 500 and 800 yuan a month. 34 students spend between 800 and 1200 yuan a month, 8 students spend between 1500 and 2000 yuan monthly and only 2 students spend more than 2000 yuan a month.
  67 students (about 74%) would like to spend their living expenses on entertainment, such as Karaoke, travel. 14 students would like to spend on digital products, such as mobile phone, camera. 18 students would like to spend on interpersonal communication, such as treat, gift giving. 26 students would like to spend on study, such as book, stationery. 50 students would like to spend on personal appearance, such as hairdressing, cosmetic. 73 students would like to spend on daily items, such as tissue, toothbrush. 22 students will spend on transport. 25 students would like to spend on communication, such as telephone charge, Internet fee. 59 students would like to spend on food. From the statistic, we could see that college students spend most on daily items (81%) and entertainment (74%).
  D The consumption concept of informant
  From the survey, only 13 students (14%) will plan ahead, 26 students (29%) will live as frugally as possible at school, and 51 students usually disburse their money as they like without having a plan.
  29 students will spend money in order to meet their desires, 15 students in order to follow what is popular, and 31 students spend money for the appearance of production, 53 students for the price of commodities, 44 students for the quality of commodity, and 61 students for the demand for commodities. We can learn that most of college students pay attention to the demand for commodities (67%) when spending money.
  About the problem of the propensity to consume, those who are usually economical and practical based number 42, it accounts for about 47%. 30 students usually balance affordable with upscale, it makes up 13 percent of the total, and 18 students (20%) usually pursue as upscale as possible.
  E The ability to manage finance
  According to the statistic, 8 students (9%) think that they have enough living expenses to control, 22 students (24%) think the living expenses is just making ends meet, and 46 students (51%) think their living expenses is just enough, 14 (16%) students think the living expenses is more than enough for them, that is they have extra money do what they want to every month, but only a small part of informants choose this option, most of their living expenses is just enough.   When it comes to question about how to deal with the extra money, survey shows that 19 students would like to spend money as an investment, 19 students would like to use their money to do some pioneering work, 38 students would like to spend money to go on sightseeing, and most of students (71 and about 78% people) would like to put money in the bank.
  F Factors that influence Consumer behavior
  According to investigation result, 82 students (more than 90%) think the factor that influence their consumer behavior is family factors, 49 students think it is social factor, 17 students think it is personal element, and 31 students think it is campus environment.
  College students' consumption not only affects the family, but also affects the entire consumer market and the national economy. At present, as the result of the development of higher education and the development of socialist market economy, students' consumer market has been formed and growing, and it has became an important part of China's socialist market economy, and will play a greater role with the development of society and the popularization of higher education.
  After surveyed a random sampling of ninety college students of different grades from different regions. According to the results of the survey, we can see the students are mostly from median family. A college student in addition to pay the training costs per year, the monthly expenditure is not a small figure. The pressure on the median household parents is relatively large.
  Based on the investigation of college students' daily life fee payments, there is a tendency for college students spend their money random even extravagant, we have a general understanding of the balance of payments situation, and it plays a certain guiding function on our reasonable control. Whether in the healthy development of the economy or in the financial crisis of the global economic environment, the institute of financial management is necessary.
【摘要】本文以广东省高考英语试题中凸显的英语语言文化因素导向为例,来谈高中英语阅读教学。文章认为,广东省高考英语试题中凸显的英语语言文化因素,要求英语阅读教学关注这一倾向,补充相关教学内容,提升学生阅读准确性。期待本文的研究对相关人士有启发的意义。  【关键词】高考试题 文化因素 阅读教学  对于高中英语课程中的阅读教学来说,要在教学之中不断提升学生娴熟地运用英语这一语言工具,更要让学生能够在高考
【摘要】众所周知,英语学科是一门语言学科,语言学科的学习目的就是为了通过教学活动使学生掌握一门交际交流的语言工具,所以,在初中阶段的英语教学活动中,阅读教学是其中非常重要的一个方面。本文笔者就结合自己在教学实践中如何进行有效阅读教学展开论述,以期能够在新课改背景之下开辟一条英语阅读教学的有效途径。  【关键词】初中英语 阅读能力 教学策略  大家都知道,作为一门语言课程,在初中阶段对学生进行英语知
高中英语阅读在整个英语教学过程中,占着很重要的地位。阅读可以丰富学生的知识,扩展学生的视野和有助于英语其他方面的学习等。从我多年的高中英语教学经验中得出,英语阅读贵在坚持,学生要想英语阅读能力得到提高,必须在反复的实践探索中找到适合自己的阅读方法。除了学生自身的努力,英语教师的阅读教学方法也很重要。本文详细分析了高中英语阅读教学策略。  一、英语教学课堂上的“角色”转变  一方面教师在课堂上的“角
学生的英语口语能力提升了,自然也会对英语学习产生浓厚的兴趣,从而提升英语的学习成绩。以下是我在教学实践中的相关尝试。  一、奖励措施,激发学生英语口语兴趣  考虑到英语口语测试的原因,我在教学中有意强化英语口语能力的培养,对学生提出了相关的英语口语考核要求。针对口语测试的各项内容,每周要对学生的英语口语进行考核。我规定:每周考核成绩相对优秀的同学自然晋升为下一周口语考核的考官。这样,学生对自己英语
【摘要】克服英语口语培养的不利因素,运用英语“听说领先教学法”多方面加强口语训练。  【关键词】英语 口语 培养  美国学者Krashen在他的第二语言习得理论中指出,发展外语能力主要依靠两种途径:语言学习和语言习得。语言学习指有意识地学习外语的知识(包括语法、规则、语音、词汇知识),而语言习得类似儿童习得母语的过程,通常是在大量语言信息的刺激下,通过语言的自然交际获得的。Krashen认为习得比
【摘要】本文针对初中生英语书面表达能力普遍不高的现状,从重视英语写作的课堂教学;通过阅读、背诵提高学生的书面表达能力;教师注重语法的讲解和各种文体的训练;认真批阅,重视讲评等四个方面介绍了提高学生书面表达能力的方法。  【关键词】初中生 英语 书面表达能力  书面表达是语言的重要表达形式之一,在中考中作为主观性试题,其分值可观,越来越引起了广大师生的关注。作为没有很多口头英语交流机会的中国学生,书
在英语学习中,听、说、读、写四项基本技能的训练和培养是缺一不可的,它们不仅是英语教学的主要目的,也是英语教学的重要手段。在听说读写的全面发展中,听是先锋。克拉申曾说,“无论儿童或成年人,在语言习得中,头等重要的是听力理解。”  在英语学习中,听、说、读、写四项基本技能的训练和培养是缺一不可的,它们不仅是英语教学的主要目的,也是英语教学的重要手段。在听说读写的全面发展中,听是先锋。听是获得语言信息及