Rapid Generation of Selectable Marker-Free Transgenic Rice with Three Target Genes by Co-Transformat

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The double T-DNA binary vector p13HSR which harbored two independent T-DNAs, containing hygromycin phosphotransferase gene (hpt) in one T-DNA region and three target genes (hLF, SB401, RZ10) in another T-DNA region,was used to generate selectable marker-free transgenic rice by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The regenerated plants with both the three target genes and the selectable marker gene hptwere selected for anther culture. RT-PCR analysis indicated that target genes were inserted in rice genomic DNA and successfully transcribed. It took only one year to obtain double haploid selectable marker-free transgenic plants containing the three target genes with co-transformation followed by anther culture technique, and the efficiency was 12.2%. It was also noted that one or two target genes derived from the binary vector were lost in some transgenic rice plants.
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