The Selection and Breeding of a Novel Microorganism Strain I and Investigation of Core Model Experim

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This paper introduces the results of selecting and breeding a micro-organism, Strain I, and its core model experiment investigation for microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR). Strain I was separated from the formation water of the Dagang oil field, with analytical results showing that Strain I is a gram-positive bacillus. A further study revealed that this strain has an excellent tolerance of environmental stresses: It can survive in conditions of 70℃, 30 wt% salinity and pH3.5-9.4. Strain I can metabolize biosurfactants that could increase the oil recovery ratio, use crude oil as the single carbon source, and decompose long-chain paraffin with a large molecular weight into short-chain paraffin with a small molecular weight. The core model experiment shows that Strain I enhances oil recovery well. Using 2 vol% of the fermentation solution of Strain I to displace the crude oil in the synthetic plastic bonding core could increase the recovery ratio by 21.6%. This paper introduces the results of selecting and breeding a micro-organism, Strain I, and its core model experiment investigation for microbial enhanced oil recovery (MEOR). Strain I was separated from the formation water of the Dagang oil field, with analytical results showing that Strain I is a gram-positive bacillus. A further study showed that this strain has an excellent tolerance of environmental stresses: It can survive in conditions of 70 ° C, 30 wt% salinity and pH 3.5-9.4. Strain I can metabolize biosurfactants that could increase the oil recovery ratio, use crude oil as the single carbon source, and decompose long-chain paraffin with a large molecular weight into short-chain paraffin with a small molecular weight. The core model experiment shows that Strain I enhances oil recovery well. Using 2 vol% of the fermentation solution of Strain I to displace the crude oil in the synthetic plastic bonding core could increase the recovery ratio by 21.6%.
兰爻  自由撰稿人。以持观望与敬畏之心为荣的阅读者。  专栏简介:  日本现代派先锋音乐,内容涵盖前卫电声、噪音实验、自由即兴、新迷幻等多重领域,以其风格之诡异、形式之丰富、奇人异士之多,已经在现代音乐世界里形成一派神秘而独立的景观。本专栏文章意图并不在于对形式概念和流派类别进行划分介绍,因为许多界线本来就是模糊不清的,尤其在先锋音乐领域,分类常常是一件吃力不讨好的事情。在每一位音乐家本人的音乐探
一、前言为了实现农业现代化,加快粮食生产,农业科学工作者正在从各个角度研究提高单位面积产量的规律。水稻占我国粮食总产量百分之七十以上;故研究影响于水稻产量的各 I.
采用田间试验及高效液相色谱检测方法,研究了广枯灵中甲霜灵在中药材头花蓼及土壤中的残留消解动态.实验结果表明,甲霜灵在头花蓼和土壤上的半衰期分别为6.7~7.3 d和12.6~13.
引言 在英国,国家电气规程(NEC)是关于危险场所分类和专用设备选型的现行文件。虽然美国采用的防爆技术很多,但是,最常用的是气体防爆和粉尘防爆技术。本文设法使读者熟悉一