
来源 :中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:siyu321
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太赫兹(Terahertz, THz)波通常是指频率在100 GHz–10 THz,相应波长在3 mm–30μm范围内,介于毫米波与红外光之间的电磁波. THz技术在物理学、材料科学、生命科学、天文学、信息科学以及国防安全等方面具有广泛的应用前景,被誉为改变未来世界的十大技术之一.《中国科学:物理学力学天文学》特别组织"太赫兹物理与应用专题",邀请了国内外活跃在THz物理和应用研究领域的科研工作者撰写了10篇相关论文,其中3篇为综述类论文,反映了国内外关于THz相关研究的现状以及最新研究进展;其他7
The synthesis of N-substituted amines is one of the key transformations in synthetic chemistry and chemical industry,because amines are ubiquitous in the syntheses of agrochemicals,pharmaceuticals,flavorings,fragrances,and advanced materials.In order to r
Variation in age structure and body size benefits are identified to understand the evolution of life history.Here,we estimated the age structure and body size of two species of odorous frogs (Odorrana margaretae and Odorrana grahami) by using skeletochron
Lithium niobate(LiNbO3),so-called“Silicon in Photonics,”is a multifunctional crystal with a combination of a number of excellent physical properties.In optics and photonics,the LiNbO3-based devices,such as modulators,wavelength converters,waveguide ampli-
通过重离子实验研究了14-nm FinFET工艺静态随机存取存储器(SRAM)的单粒子翻转(SEU)特性.通过使用Weibull函数拟合SEU截面获得该器件的线性能量转移(LET)阈值:0.1 MeV/(mg/cm2).对多位翻转(MBU)贡献的统计结果表明,当LET等于40.3 MeV/(mg/cm2)时,MBU的占比超过95%.此外,FinFET SRAM的SEU截面呈现出与Fin相关的入射角度的各向异性.该研究对基于FinFET工艺的抗辐射CMOS集成电路(IC)的设计具有一定的指导作用.“,”Th
Reptiles are the most morphologically and physiologically diverse tetrapods,with the squamates having the most diverse habitats.Lizard is an important model system for understanding the role of visual ecology,phylogeny and behavior on the structure of vis
The diet of juvenile,including hatchlings and presumed yearlings of the Saltwater Crocodile,Crocodylus porosus,was studied at the Kuching Wetlands National Park,western Sarawak,East Malaysia(Borneo),using both frequency of occurrence and volumetric compos
日盲紫外探测器以其较高的探测灵敏度和较低的背景噪声广泛应用于导弹制导、空间安全通信、臭氧层空洞监测和火焰检测等军事和民用领域.氧化镓(Ga2O3)是一种典型的超宽禁带半导体材料,其较大的禁带宽度(4.2~5.3 eV)几乎占据太阳光谱的整个日盲波段,被认为是制备日盲紫外探测器的理想材料.主要介绍了 Ga2O3的不同晶体结构和基本特性,并综述了基于多种Ga2O3结构的日盲紫外探测器的研究进展.基于Ga2O3纳米线的器件的最大光响应度R>103 A/W,外量子效率能达到105%;Ga2O3单晶器件的光响应度高
Aperture synthesis is an important approach to improve the lateral resolution of digital holography[DH]techniques.The limitation of the accuracy of registration positions between sub-holograms affects the quality of the synthesized image and even causes t
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