
来源 :民族艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fossi
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木偶戏在中国戏剧史上占着重要的位置,一向为研究者所重视。与以真人来表演各种故事内容的戏剧相比较,其最主要的特征就是以偶人(以木偶为主)来表演。但是,偶人又离不开背后操纵的真人,无人操纵,它只是摆设而已,在这里有两个基本的要素是不可忽视的:一是受人摆布的偶人,二是操纵偶人的真人。在此有许多问题必须思考:在人类的历史中偶人是怎样产生出来的?它在现实的人间社会之中具有什么样的重要作用?现实 Puppet play occupies an important position in the history of Chinese drama and has always been valued by researchers. Compared with the dramatic performance of various stories in real life, the most important feature is the performance of the dolls (puppet-based). However, the doll can not be separated from the real person behind the manipulation, no one manipulates it, it is only display it, there are two basic elements can not be ignored: First, by the merry couple, the second is the manipulation of even Live. Here are many questions that we must consider: How did the doll emerge in the history of mankind? What kind of important role does it play in the reality of human society? The reality
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