“工业气相色谱法”讲座 第一讲 概论

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随着我国四化建设的迅速发展,工业气相色谱仪已经得到越来越广泛的应用。尤其是在化学工业中,它已成为十分重要的流程分析仪器。但是,据有关部门调查,目前我国对于这种仪器的应用水平还较低,尚未能充分发挥其应有的作用。为此,我们特组织这一连载讲座,打算从化工应用角度出发,介绍工业气相色谱法的概况、基础理论及仪器各部件,尤其突出仪器的安装、标定和使用。本讲座分八讲,约四万五千字。欢迎广大读者及时提出宝贵意见。 With the rapid development of the four modernizations in our country, industrial gas chromatograph has been more and more widely used. Especially in the chemical industry, it has become a very important process analyzer. However, according to the investigation of relevant departments, at present, the application level of this instrument in our country is still relatively low, yet it has not yet been able to give full play to its due role. To this end, we organized this serials seminar, intended from the chemical application point of view, introduce the overview of industrial gas chromatography, basic theory and instrument components, with particular emphasis on the installation of instruments, calibration and use. This talk is divided into eight parts, about 45,000 words. Welcome readers promptly put forward valuable opinions.
《基础教育课程改革纲要》明确指出,教学过程是师生交流、共同发展的互动过程。因此,强调师生交流,构建互动的师生关系、教学关系,是教学改革的首要任务。前不久在学校公开执教了苏教版小语国标本第二册课文《小池塘》,就此谈谈我在实现互动教学中的几点体会。  一、创设情境,激发互动  《义务教育语文课程标准》把“喜欢阅读”放在(1-2)年级阅读教学阶段目标的第一条。为此,让每个学生都喜欢读书,主动地读书,进而
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