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本刊今年6月上半月刊(总第164期)发表了本刊记者允许采写的《农民双膝着地,你如何承受得起?》一文,对今年4月22日发生住广东化州市人民政府门口的群众集体跪访事件进行了深度报道,引起了老区读者的强烈反响。读者普遍认为本刊发表本文是正义之举,也有读者对此颇有微词,甚至在事件的幕后主使刘玉德被抓捕之后,仍有个别读者致电本刊,认为“刘玉德是被抓错了”。那么,事件的真相到底是什么?广东省公安厅住其门户网站发布的官方新闻称,此次群众集体跪访事件引起省委、省政府的高度重视。省领导就事件处理作出专门批示,要求化州尽快妥善处置。化州市委书记秦刚迅速召开市委常委扩大会议,决定立即成立由化州市委副书记、市长黄从南任组长的调处工作领导小组,认真处理梅仔坑村群众的上访诉求。工作组经过深入细致的工作,发现了引发这次事件的根源,竟来自当地的知名企业家、化州市人大代表——刘玉德。根据化州市委、市政府的意见,化州市委常委、政法委书记、公安局局长黄鸿亲自挂帅任总指挥,并迅速成立了由公安局刑侦大队长为组长、治安大队长为副组长、10多名精于警力组成的专案组。目前,警方已初步查明,以刘玉德为首的涉恶犯罪团伙,自1996年以来,涉嫌强迫交易、故意损毁财物、破坏交通设施、非法占用农田、故意伤害、寻衅滋事等刑事案件15宗,涉嫌治安案件30多宗。7月19日晚上9时40分,在珠海警方的大力协助下,茂名化州警方在珠海市将横行化州新安镇多年的涉恶犯罪团伙头目刘玉德(绰号“白泥德”)抓获。消息传出,化州一片哗然,百姓无不拍手称快。本刊本期全文转载广东省公安厅门户网站7月21日文章《化州“泥霸”刘玉德落入法网》时,未对该文内容作任何修改。 Articles published in the first half of June this year, June issue (total 164) published a reporter allowed to write the “peasants knees, how can you afford?” Article on April 22 this year, lived in Guangdong Huazhou Municipal People’s Government At the entrance of the mass collective kneeling incident carried out in-depth coverage, caused a strong reaction of the old readers. Readers generally believe that this article is published in the paper is a just move, there are quite a few critics of this, even behind the scenes the main cause of Liu Yude was arrested, there are still some readers call the magazine, that “Liu Yude was miscarried ”. So what is the truth of the incident? According to the official news released by Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau on its portal website, the mass kneeling visit caused great attention by the provincial party committee and government. Provincial leaders made special instructions on the handling of the incident and asked Huazhou to properly dispose of it as soon as possible. Huazhong party secretary Qin Gang quickly held an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of Municipal Committee, decided to immediately set up by the Huazhou deputy secretary, mayor Huang from the South Leader of mediation work leading group to conscientiously handle the petitioners Pitt appeal to the masses. After intensive and meticulous work, the working party discovered the root cause of the incident. It actually came from well-known local entrepreneur and Huazhou Municipal People’s Congress delegate - Liu Yu-de. According to the views of Huazhou municipal government, Huazhou Municipal Committee, Politics and Law Committee secretary, Public Security Bureau Huang Hong personally hang commander in chief, and quickly set up by the Public Security Bureau criminal investigation captain as head of the security team as deputy head Long, more than 10 experts in the police task force. At present, the police have tentatively identified 15 criminal cases involving criminal gangs led by Liu Yade, such as forced transactions, intentional damage to property, destruction of transport facilities, illegal occupation of farmland, deliberate injury and provocation since 1996 More than 30 cases of law and order. At 9:40 pm on July 19, with the vigorous assistance of Zhuhai police, the police of Maoming Huazhou arrested Zhu Yude (nicknamed “Bai Dide”), a leader of the evil criminal gang who had been running for many years in Xin’an Town, Huazhou, in Zhuhai City. . News, Huzhou an uproar, people are clapping their hands fast. The full text of this issue reprinted Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau portal July 21 article “Huazhou” “mud tyrants ” Liu Yudao into the net ", did not make any changes to the text.
最近,桂东县档案馆接收了本县去台同胞陈祥乾先生捐赠的一批珍贵的图书字画。 陈先生是桂东县寨前乡高峰村人,1949年去台,从事教育事业及诗词书画创作均有成就。陈先生离乡4
进入新世纪以来,社会主义以其独特的魅力再次吸引着那些追求进步人们的目光,在有着社会主义运动悠久历史和光荣传统的拉美地区,左翼政党活动有声有 Since the beginning of