
来源 :数理天地(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mikecxybb
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叶子出水很高,象亭亭的舞女的裙. 朱自清《荷塘月色》饭后休息时,信步走到音乐喷泉旁,华灯之下,一曲悠扬的音乐随风飘来,随着乐声,平静的水池中,水柱从各处升起,或急流直射,或细柱摇移,变化万千,使人心旷神怡.其中一水花,尤其令我神往,它引起了我的思考. The water from the leaves is very high, like the skirt of a dancing lady. Zhu Ziqing’s “Moonlight over the Lotus Pond” rests after a meal and walks beside a musical fountain. Under the lanterns, a melodious music floats with the wind, along with the music, and calmness. In the pool, the water column rises from everywhere, or the rapid flow, or the column moves, changes, makes people feel relaxed and happy. One of the water, especially my fascination, it caused my thinking.
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在“简易逻辑”教学过程中,发现学生对有些复合命题真假的判断感到困惑,甚至怀疑复合命题的真值表.为帮助同学们理解掌握有关知识,本文对几组命题间的关系举例分析. In the
密度的测量是中学物理的难点,也是重点,常规的测量方法是借助于密度的定义式ρ=m/V来测量的,除此还有一些特殊的测量方法,例举如下: 一、比较法(适用于液体) (1)质量比较法.