
来源 :现代化农业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yangtianlin888
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1991年6户小面积应用铜铵合剂,除1户无对照不能说明问题外,其余5户均获好效果。药剂配制工业用硫酸铜2份,碳酸铵11份,分别研细、混匀,封闭1小时后对水稀释成400倍液。防治效果在蔬菜发病初期喷洒。 In 1991, a small area of ​​6 applications of cuprammonium compound, in addition to a no control can not explain the problem, the remaining five were good results. Pharmaceutical preparation industrial copper sulfate 2 parts, 11 parts of ammonium carbonate, respectively, research fine, mix, closed for 1 hour diluted to 400 times the water solution. Control effect sprayed in the early stages of vegetable disease.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
将甜菜栽培品种 Monosvalof 的秧苗栽植在可以自然感染多粘菌(Polymyxa be-tae)的土壤条件下,秧苗栽植前用 Tricho-derma SP.接种,结果,所测定的17个 Trich- Seedlings of
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认清形势 加大财税改革力度南江县副县长何长洋改革开放以来,特别是财政实行“分灶吃饭”以来,我县始终把“培植财源.振兴财政”作为经济工作的主旋律、上下一心思财政,齐心协力
US-Based公司的DNAP(DNAplant Technology)把几丁质酶的表达基因移入收获作物中获得了专利保护。DNAP通过破坏侵袭水果和蔬菜的病菌中的几丁质,以期防止收获后的腐烂。迄今
夏秋季节雨水多,湿度大,虫口密度高,此间使用农药既要注重效果,又要防止人体中毒。因此,在雨季喷施农药时,应注意下面几点: 1.选用内吸性农药。乐果、磷胺、多菌灵、托布律