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期刊订购工作是图书馆的基础工作,它要遵循一定的原则和方法,本文作者结合工作实际和本校专业特点,深入期刊订购原则的内涵研究,并从中寻找出期刊订购中需注意的问题。 Periodical ordering is the basic work of the library. It must follow certain principles and methods. Based on the actual work and the professional characteristics of the university, the author of this article delves into the connotation of the principles of the journal ordering and finds out the problems that should be paid attention to when ordering the periodicals.
【摘要】效益性、安全性、流动性原则是我国商业银行经营的基本原则。商业银行保持合理的流动性对发展至关重要。然而对我国商业银行来说,其流动性管理始终是一个问题。贷款转让是盘活银行存量资产的一种有效方式,也是商业银行进行流动性管理的一种有效方式。当前,开展贷款转让对商业银行尤其是中小型商业银行转变贷款管理方式、增强资产流动性及提高资源配置效率都具有重要意义。  【关键词】银行 信贷资产 贷款转让 流动性
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In this review,we summarise the evidence for a role of the ribonuclease angiogenin in the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative disorders,with a specific focus o
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