
来源 :劳动医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhao0922
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熟石灰(Ca(OH)_2)是常见的一种强碱性化合物,在工农业生产中应用广泛,溅入眼内往往导致眼球穿孔、视功能丧失甚至眼球萎缩。我们用板层角巩膜移植术治疗2例重度致角巩膜碱烧伤获得成功,现报告如下。 一、病例介绍 例一:钱××,女,42岁,因左眼被熟石灰液烧伤8小时,于1983年3月8日急诊入院。眼科检查:右眼正常,左眼视力眼前手动,睑痉,睑球结膜水肿,下方苍白坏死,角膜全部呈雾状混浊,眼内结构均不清,眼压Tn。诊断为角巩膜重度碱烧伤。 治疗经过:入院后即予生理盐水反复冲洗结膜囊,前房穿刺,同时给予维生素C、血管扩张剂、自血交替结膜下注射、扩瞳、全身用抗生素及短期激素等治疗。炎症控制,自觉症状减轻,下方巩膜坏死区 Hydrated lime (Ca (OH) 2) is a common strong alkaline compound, widely used in industrial and agricultural production. It often leads to eyeball perforation, loss of visual function and even atrophy of the eye. We use lamellar scleral transplantation for the treatment of 2 cases of severe scleral alkali burns were successful, are as follows. First, the case introduction Example 1: Money × ×, female, 42 years old, because the left eye was cooked lime burned for 8 hours in March 8, 1983 emergency hospital admission. Eye examination: the right eye is normal, left eye vision in front of manual, blepharospasm, eyelid conjunctival edema, the lower pale necrosis, the cornea all cloudy, intraocular structure are not clear, intraocular pressure Tn. Diagnosis of scleral severe alkali burn. After treatment: After admission to saline repeatedly rinse conjunctival sac, anterior chamber puncture, given vitamin C, vasodilators, subluxation of subconjunctival autologous blood injection, dilation, the body with antibiotics and short-term hormones and other treatment. Inflammation control, subjective symptoms relieved, sclera necrosis area below
阴离子隙(AG)、对诊断代谢性酸中毒具有迅速可靠的特点,对某些复杂的酸碱紊乱尤为有效。本文将1983年在本科住院病例中资料完整者56例,96次AG计算结果分析如下。 Anion gap
Development of section fits with the nation’s move to use clean energy China has also commenced the exploration and development of flammable gas both onshore
我院于1981年3月至1985年1月共收治甲亢性心脏病22例,报道如下。 临床资料 一、诊断标准: 确诊为甲亢病人并符合以下条件:(一)具有如下一项以上心脏异常①明显心律失常,②心
Two palace museums across the Taiwan Straits are preserving traditiotjll mese culture together For the first time in 60 years, relics from Qing Dynasty (1644-19
全身性红斑狼疮(SLE)也易于侵犯心脏,有无心脏并发症对预后影响很大。SLE 的心脏并发症中虽亦可有肾功能不全、高血压、肺部病变等继发性改变,但本文着重对SLE 的原发性心脏